Rage is detrimental to health and ability to make good eating choices!

  • I need to rid my life of all rage triggers, and fast.

    Last night before bed, another total awful meltdown, over the physical affects of another one of DH’s action movies… which are full of fear and provoke fear and anxiety in me, everytime. The rage came after the movie was over, I didn’t know I was that affected, but surely, it’s just like adrenaline, then I’m full of fight to the end . I’ts as if I get possessed. That’s two major and a couple little skiffs yesterday. I swear, whatever is going on with me … perimenopause…. sure is not for the weak-minded. I thinkmy DH is amazing for not losing his temper with me, although at the time I am convinced he deserves my wrath.

    It’s obvious to me that I need to start managing my rage, as well as my food choices , as I eat like a raging person , and I highly suspect the emotions are the entire problem, wheras the overeating is the symtom. It's not a question about which is the chicken and which is the egg. The emotion is what needs to get dealt with, and I'm confident the eating will improve after. The physiological/cerebral/hormonal affects of rage are worse than calories, as I understand it, detrimental to good health in general.

    I need to stop watching movies DH brings home. I need to solidify this rule for myself, instead of just threaten everytime I get upset. Tits&*** movies offend me, make me madder than a hornet, Stupid comedies with unintelligent plots and acting, really annoy and insult my intelligence, horror and action films are so full of shoot-em-up scenes, explosions, and car chases, that I just can’t take it, sports have commercials that go up in volume 10 times at the commercials and have me jumping out of my seat…. it’s just all too much, nothing works ont he tv. That’s IT… only documentaries and Bambi movies for me from now one.
  • While I can't say that I react that strongly to TV or movies, I have a very real aversion to the extreme violence and the vile language in both. I grew up without a TV - Mom refused to get one until I was in high school. My husband does like "action" movies occasionally - he watches them after I go to bed or in the other room. Of course, it helps that he realizes they are totally inappropriate for our child to watch. But even before that, he usually took it elsewhere out of respect for me. And after 14 years of doing this, he has gotten "sensitized" to it - doesn't like them nearly as much.

    Disney is a staple in our house. But I still like some of the "dumb" romantic comedies!
  • Quote: Tits&*** movies offend me, make me madder than a hornet, Stupid comedies with unintelligent plots and acting, really annoy and insult my intelligence, horror and action films are so full of shoot-em-up scenes, explosions, and car chases, that I just can’t take it, sports have commercials that go up in volume 10 times at the commercials and have me jumping out of my seat…. it’s just all too much
    I just want to say amen!
  • When I first met my husband, I hadn't watched much TV or many movies. It was he who first introduced me to the James Bond genre. I had to walk out of my first JB film because I was so offended. But he persisted because he seemed to need me to like them. And it just got worse from that point.

    So now, 28 years later, we're in the middle of getting divorced because his porn addiction skewed his view of me and all women. I have regained control of the TV remote and the Netflix account. But I'll never regain my innocence, which isn't a bad thing. I just miss my gentler spirit and I am trying to reconnect with that. I'm raising my two sons alone now, they're teens and into the rough stuff too. There is a no-porn law in effect at my house. The games are monitored for violence too.

    It's a much more peaceful house now.

    I suggest stepping out on everything that affects you adversely. You don't want to get caught up making that anger thing a reactive habit.

  • My husband's taste in movies are not mine. I read or web surf while he watches. I too have (had) a problem with rage. Talk to your doctor. This perimenopause is a *itch and can last for years. I started taking an antidepressant and found I no longer get rages. There are other, natural ways to deal with the hormone challenges if you don't like the thought of pharmaceuticals. Good luck to you.
  • Quote: My husband's taste in movies are not mine. I read or web surf while he watches. I too have (had) a problem with rage. Talk to your doctor. This perimenopause is a *itch and can last for years. I started taking an antidepressant and found I no longer get rages. There are other, natural ways to deal with the hormone challenges if you don't like the thought of pharmaceuticals. Good luck to you.
    ducky ~ I have thought about antidepressants and opted against. I actually have had a spitfire personality all my life, and remember isolated occasional rage incidents as early as my mid 20's, and several through my 30's.. so... it's not all that out of character, just amplified so much by apparent hormones. Any, I am responsible for my actions, and I need to cool it, so I need to be much more watchfull of triggers . DH seems cooperative, and promises to be more careful about movies he chooses to watch with me. He has every Friday night to watch anything he wants, as I have gigs Fri nights, and occasional other nights. By the way, where in Northern California are you? I'm from NorthBayARea, near the border of Napa, Sonoma counties.
  • I remember walking out of the movie theater after watching Natural Born Killers many years ago; DH and I both felt ready to kill. It was awful. I noticed that there were cops in the lobby, which was unusual. I'm sure many people were walking out and committing violence after that movie!

    I barely ever watch TV or movies with my husband. He watches his stuff (not porn, though; that's never been an issue, phew!) and I go in another room and read. It works for us!