Should I Go For My Weight Goal?

  • Hi Everyone!

    I see a dietitian once a month for various reasons. I'm 32 years old, 5'4" and currently weigh 136.0 lbs. My dietitian wants me to maintain around 135 lbs. Guess I'm kinda "there". Or around there. The problem is, that's *her* goal, not exactly *mine*. I'd like to keep going and shoot for 110-115 lbs. I know that I feel disgusted with myself at my current weight, and would feel much better in my own skin at 110-115 lbs. I've been there before. So should I stick around 135 like my dietitian wants me to, or go for *my* goal weight? I really don't like myself right now...

  • You have to live in your skin.
    As long as your weight is in a healthy range, then you need to be where you feel most comfortable.
    I don't know why your dietician feels 136lbs is best, but the last time I checked, the dietician police weren't going to arrest you for reaching a weight that was in a healthy range!
    Now, this is, of course, assuming that you have no medical issues or specific conditions that require you to be at a certain weight.

    I think this is up to you. And if the dietician police show up and cart you away, pm me -- I'll post the bail!

  • Do what's going to make you happy. You only see her once per month. You have to be with yourself 24/7-lol!!

    I don't want to knock your goal of 110-115, but that seems a little low to me. 120 sounds good and do-able.
    But hey, you know your body better than anyone else.

    Congrats on reaching your "first" goal
  • check your BMI...if it puts you in the underweight category, I'd rethink it.

    I'd also think if it's something you can maintain...or would 120 be more manageable!

    Congratulations for making your dietition's goal!
  • Personally, I'd go big or go home!! Its your life, your body, whatever you're comfortable with, I'd go for! I have people telling me I'm "fine" now, but it's not what *I* want, so I'm going for gold!
  • You should go for your goal. If that is the weight range you feel best at and it isn't a struggle to maintain it, you ought to live that dream.
  • I think my lowest healthy weight is 118, so I think your 120 sounds fine.
  • What kind of frame size is your body? If it's on the small side lower isn't probably going to hurt you as long as you stay in the healthy range. If your frame is larger you might want to try living with the 135 for awhile and see how you feel.
  • Have you discussed with your dietitian why she thinks 135 is a good weight for you? Do you have any history of eating disorder? Why are you disgusted with your body now? Do you have shape issues that you think 15 pounds' loss will fix?

    You don't have to answer here--just some things for you to consider. Perhaps discussion with your dietitian would be the best way to clarify things--after all, that's a professional information source, which none of us here are.

  • Not all professionals are right all of the time...a second opinion may be more prudent if you don't agree with or understand your dietitians' rationale. Nothing wrong with info gathering!

    Let us know what you decide!

  • Well, I don't really know my dietitian's reasoning... I will ask her when I see her on Monday, but a lot of people say I look good at the weight I am at now. I just don't see it. I just see flab and fat.

  • It looks like you were overly restricting your calories, exercising while injured and now your concern is that you "see flab and fat" and "feel disgusted" with yourself at this weight.

    Those are all signs of disordered thinking, and disordered eating. You might want to see if your dietitian can refer you to a therapist to deal with those things so that you are remaining healthy, mentally and physically, on your journey.
  • Why are you not happy with your current weight? If it's a matter of body shape, you may want to start an exercise routine that includes weights (if you haven't already). This will help shape your body and help you lose inches even if you don't lose any more pounds, and it may help you become satisfied with your appearance, if that's the issue.
  • Seagirl,

    To be honest, I do see a therapist and we have spoken about my body image issues. It comes up a bit. We've been trying to work on it for quite some time and have never seemed to find the root of the problem

    Pas de Chaton,
    I do need to add weights to my routine! I've been doing strength training, but I haven't been using any weights just yet. I do have resistance bands as well. Need to pull them out of hiding! It's time to switch things up anyway.
