NEW PCOS'er...feeling a bit discouraged

  • Hello gals,

    my name is Lacey and I was recently diagnosed with PCOS in June 2009. It's been a rough few months up to that point though. Issues with IBS crept up around March of this year followed by irregular periods, each one getting earlier and earlier in the month. I was beginning to wonder if my periods were going to run into eachother all together.

    I finally got in to see my OBGYN and had a pelvic ultrasound done. A "string of pearls" was seen lining my right ovary confirming the diagnosis of PCOS. Grant it, this was not my first encounter with cysts as I had them 10 plus years ago. However, it never developed into PCOS into recently.

    I hadn't been an avid athletic person, but because I couldn't figure out why the weight wasn't coming off no matter what I did to change my diet, I bought a nice elliptical machine and began working out 4 days a week for 30-45 mins at a time. Still nothing changed. Instead, I gained 3 lbs. and found myself thinking that I must be doomed to stay at my current weight rather then go back to my happy-self at 135. I am now currently 155 and considered on the high risk for my height and age for BMI. This is so not where I want to be and yet so far, nothing has changed and it has been a month of OTC Lo and working out . I am hopeful to get some encouragement. Because this just stinks!
  • Hi Lacey and welcome to 3FC.

    This forum here may be worth checking out

    Good luck with your goals.

  • Hi Lacey. Welcome to 3FC. You've come to a wonderful place for support along your weight loss journey. Just surf around and I'm sure you'll feel at home.