Weight loss life lesson #137

  • Do NOT stop at grocery store on the way home from swimming laps. 65 minutes of swimming negated in car on the way home and even ate into the calorie deficit I had going for the day before I went to the gym.

    Won't make THAT mistake again...
  • Don't you wish we didn't have to learn these lessons? Ha! It is an ongoing journey though.

    Don't beat yourself up. You recognized the mistake and have moved on.
  • For some reason, swimming makes me ravenous. I have no idea why. Bring a snack with you next time!
  • I never walk into a store without a list. It's murder for me.

    At least you had a deficit though! So not too much damage done!
  • Quote:
    Won't make THAT mistake again...
    That is the key. Live and Learn!
  • After I get out of the pool, I'm usually munching an apple while blow-drying my hair. Sometimes I tuck a little package of Trader Joe's "handful" of almonds or handful of trail mix into my gym bag. Those help, too.

    What I feel after swimming is tired, in a good way, more than ravenous. It took me a long time to figure that out, though.
  • At least you've learned from it