Red Rockets - Week 7 Chat

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  • Welcome to week seven ladies. Hope you all had a wonderful 4th and didn't stray too far. I had pizza and beer on Saturday. My loss this week is less than a pound but that's OK. I knew that this challenge was not going to be the 2-3 lbs. I saw in the first few months.

    I feel bad that I have not been here as much as I feel I should. With summer comes busy schedules, for all of us. I would love to get to know you all better; how about we play "Two Truths & A Lie". I'll go first, you try to figure out what is truth and what is fiction.

    I was an EMT/Firefighter in my younger day.
    I met my DH online back in 1996
    I sing in a band in my spare time.
  • Hello Red Rockets

    I did not make good food choices, get in all my exercise or water and TOM was here last week so just a one pound loss for this week. I am not complaining just confessing I guess. I am back on track drinking a fasting juice and eating only lean meat and green veggies for 48 hours and then back on plan. Summer is a busy time but I must remain on plan to continue my weightloss goals.

    I hope everyone is doing well and that everyone had a wonderful & safe 4th of July.

    1 truth 2 lies?
    I have been married 5 times
    I left home when I was 18 and moved to Europe and lived for 6 months
    Last week I found a letter from Ulysses S. Grant behind a picture of my Great Great Grandfather

    Cat- used to be an EMT?
  • mommyofsix - left home when you were 18 and moved to Europe and lived for 6 months?

    Here are mine:
    - I have 2 cats.
    - My nickname is Tweezers.
    - I was an only child growing up.
  • What a flake I am at times.... it's suppose to be "Two Truths & One Lie"

    Sorry about that.
  • I am just kind of holding my own here. Not much change. Just finished my workout, so I'm a sweaty mess.

    Cat- Met husband online??
    Mommy- Left home at 18?
    Robot- Tweezers?

    I have 8 brothers and sisters.
    I have never left michigan.
    I have been knocked down and runover by a horse.
  • Quote: What a flake I am at times.... it's suppose to be "Two Truths & One Lie"

    Sorry about that.
    The two lies and one truth is just as fun to play.

    mtiger - The never leaving Michigan one. (P.S. the Tweezers one is correct )
  • Hi All,
    Hope everyone had a good weekend, It was rainy and cold here on Saturday, I took a picture of the family waiting for the parade in our winter coats and sent it to DS. It cleared off and was nice for the fireworks anyway, but missed the day at the park. I've worked my way up to 30 minutes on the elliptical, I work up quite a sweat. I didn't lose any weight this week, but I think there has been a lot of water gain over the past week. I cut the salt out and have been spending lots of time in the bath room.

    Are we doing 2 lies and a truth or 2 truths and a lie???

    I'll stay with the 2 lies theme here:
    I was adopted
    I've been on an archaeological dig
    I have a pet doberman
  • Hi everyone! Not much going on overall... I took it easy on Saturday after work and basically "chilled." Sunday, I slept in a bit and went to see a friend who lives about 45 minutes away.

    I did a 20 minute walk/run this morning before work and then went to the gym post-work and worked out for 45 minutes. Overall, I burned about 400 calories working out which is pretty nice.

    Cool idea on the truth/lie game CAT.
    Let's see... I will do a 2 truths and 1 lie. Which one is not true?

    -I was an extra in a well-known film
    -I've appeared on National television
    -I have performed on stage
  • Hi everyone! And kudos to those of you who got through the holiday with any kind of loss, no matter how big or small!! Me, I needed to use my first freebie this week

    Moving right along....two truths and a lie:

    1. I won an award for my writing.
    2. I won trips to London and to Disneyworld.
    3. I won a Hello Kitty guitar.

    Which one isn't true?

    My guesses:

    1. CruiseCAT doesn't sing in a band in her spare time.
    2. Mommyofsix hasn't been married five times and, even though I recall her mentioning something about housework during her recent vacation, I don't think there was a letter from Ulysses S. Grant behind a picture.
    3. When I first read Robot's responses, I thought Tweezers was the correct choice and she has since confirmed that to be so....but I'm not sure which version we were playing at the your nickname actually Tweezers or was that the lie?
    4. Mtiger does not have 8 brothers and sisters.
    5. Bette k was not adopted (I picked this one because it's one of those things a person is NOT likely to lie about it, so it'd be easy to throw us off here.)
    6. RangerChic has not performed on stage.

    But then again, I could be very, very wrong about any or all of the above!
  • What fun.... I love this game!!!

    My lie is that I don't sing in a band. As much as I would love to sing I can't and I know I can't.... thankfully.

    mommy - I think you did leave home at 18.
    mtiger - never left Michigan
    bettyK - Adopted (your truth)
    Ranger - Extra in a film
    Lucky - Won a Hello Kitty Guitar
  • Trying to get caught up here. Arrived home from MT last night. We had a great time tubing and I even got the guts to try waterskiing for the first time. I got up on my first try, but wasn't able to repeat the effort.
    I strayed a bit off plan with beer & poor snack choices, so I too used my first freebie.
    As for the 2 truths & a lie:
    I lived in Japan for 2 years
    I drive a motorcycle
    I three shotput & discus in college

    My guesses:
    mommyofsix- married 5 times
    mtiger - never left Michigan
    bettyK - not adopted
    Ranger - Appeared on National TV
    Lucky - Won a Hello Kitty Guitar
  • CanadaMel, I'm guessing you don't drive a motorcycle? I lived in Japan for 4-1/2 years so seems very possible you lived there too. And the fact that you even know what a shotput and discus are make it possible you threw them (or at least know someone who did...hmmmm...not real confident on my guess now)

    About me...well, I *did* win an award for my writing in high school. And I *did* win a Hello Kitty Guitar. The other is a half truth/half lie....I *did* win a trip to London, but I did *not* win a trip to Disneyland. Not specifically, anyway....actually I won a weekend trip to Dana Point, CA to attend a reading by an author, got to stay in an amazing vacation home, and since we were in the neighborhood anyway, we drove over to Anaheim and went to Disneyland. But technically I didn't win a trip to Disneyland

    And since I'm talking about how lucky I've been, I will also mention that Luckybustert is not an abbreviation for "lucky b*stard" as people occasionally's actually a combination of my three cats' names: Lucky, Buster, and T (short for Tigger).
  • How funny you all think i have never left Michigan. I live right next to Canada. I've been there several times. The truth is I have been knocked down and run over by my horse. Yep, that was fun!!!

    Just finished my 3 mile walk/jog. Good little workout. TOM should be moving through this week, Looking for a whoosh by the end of the week.
  • HI All,
    Hope everyone's week is going well. I'm doing good, but I'm not losing anything, I think it may be from too much salt so I've cut back on that, and I've been using the elliptical 30 minutes every morning. So not sure which is holding the weight on. On the other hand I tried on a pair of DH's old jeans te other day, they fit I can wear a 38 waist jean. Also the new second hand pants I got a few weeks ago are really lose. I can pull them off without unfastening. One of the problems with my weight is DH really needs to gain weight so I'm trying to fatten him up and thin me down, too bad we can't to a transplant. He has lost over 40 lbs, and is still going, he now weighs 143 lbs, less than he weighed in high school. After he was diagnosed with diabetes and put on medication the weight loss slowed down, but still hasn't stopped.

    I had 2 lies, my truth is that I have been on and archaeological dig. I went as a volunteer for the National Parks service and had so much fun despite camping and over 100 degree days. The bathroom and shower was 1/4 mile away and uphill, so I even lost weight.

    Everyone have a great week.
    Bette K

    ps I only told people I was adopted, that really made my mom mad when she heard me.
  • OK, the lie was that I was an extra in a well-known film. I have appeared on stage in high school numerous times both with drama and the band. And, I was on National TV on Good Morning America when I was a volunteer at 15 with one of the local hospitals.