An article about cleanses, detoxes, and Hollywood


    As you might expect, most of these are just another way to starve... and get sick on top of it!

  • People are crazy to think they can live off of those things... The woman who only consumed raw food- I'm not surprised she had three seizures and almost died from lack of nutrition- there is only so much veggies and fruits and nuts can do- specially if you don't eat a wide variety of them...
  • Well with the raw food lady, it sounds like she was probably taking in too many fluids. Raw foods naturally contain a lot of water and if you are eating only raw foods and then drinking lots of water, it can cause an imbalance. It seems like she had the 'water intoxication' syndrome. Also, if her diet wasn't balanced, she definitely could've been missing the right electrolytes to balance her out.
  • Raw food diets CAN be done in a healthy way, but it takes a lot more knowledge and effort than other types of plans to get all of the nutrients you need, and you do have to watch your water intake, balances of food, etc. If you don't know what you're doing, you can get really out of whack, really quickly, but there IS a healthy way to approach a raw-foods diet.

    I read this article in Self and it made me sad what women (and some men) will go through to quickly drop weight.