July Alternachat

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  • Wow... I am shocked... SHOCKED... to discover that I am an inch taller than I have been my entire adult life. How can this be possible? I have ALWAYS been barely 5'1" and now today I measured in at 5'2"?!?!?! The other day at the Weight Watchers meeting I was in line leaning near the height measurement sign and when I stood by it, 5'2". I even told the people standing in line... wow this is not right, they have this mounted on the wall wrong. So today I asked my husband to measure me and WOW I am 5'2". We even used two different tape measures. I am bewildered and kind of freaked out.

    So the other news is that I lost a couple more pounds this week and apparently now that I am so tall, do not have to lose quite so much weight. How is everyone else doing?
  • Sojourner, I'd love to be an inch taller. Not sure why you grew an inch, but hooray!

    Anyway, this month I'm focusing on exercise. I've been eating well the past month, but I haven't exercised in a while.
  • That is weird sojo!

    I am recovering from Canada celebrations- I ate way to much food yesterday, but I am back on track today.

    I am focusing on more exercise too.
  • I think we need to bring back an Altenachicks exercise thread.
  • another vote for bringing back the exercise thread!

    I am trying to keep busy and not think about inter-personal woes I've been having. I am getting tattooed tomorrow and I can not freaking wait!!! I may die of anticipation....
  • Lizzie - how did your tattoo go?

    I am having a great weekend so far - plus I have been on track for the whole week.
  • Sojourner- Maybe from exercise you have strengthened your core & therefor are standing up straighter/taller.

    lizziep - How'd the tattoo go? I'm getting a new one this week too.

    I dyed my hair last night. I needed a cheap change.

    From this:

    To this:

    I like it.
  • Oooooo, LOVE the red!

    How did I never see this forum? I have blue/purple hair. I guess that means I am pretty Alterna, heh.
  • Vertigoskyy -Your hair looks great!

    Prinny - welcome to the boards!

    Feeling a bit lazy today. I have been out late 3 nights in a row and it is catching up on me. Just spending the day doing laundry and watching Eastenders.
  • Down 2 more pounds...
  • Hey chicas! I've been really off track for over a month now, one of my geckos got really ill and died suddenly and I just fell to pieces, I started smoking again after 5 months and my eating habits have been worse than ever. It doesn't help that I hate my job, but I've handed in my notice at work and am trying to get everything back on track but it's all very overwhelming at the moment.

    I'm looking into getting a cheap bike so I can cycle along the sea front, exercise and a good view, heck, maybe even a tan

    It's been a long time since I've stepped on the scale but I might go for it this week. I hope everyone is well xx
  • Way to go sojourner!

    Going2Bhealthy - sorry for the loss of your gecko. I have been through it with 2 cats and it is tough to lose a beloved pet.

    I've had a bit of a rough week here relating to some health issues - waiting on some tests to be scheduled and to receive some test results. I am trying to stay positive though.
  • Well I bit the bullet and re-joined Weight Watchers today. I felt like a needed a fresh start and a push so here goes!

    next on the agenda . . . ramping up my exercise as I have been slacking off a bit lately
  • what's up ladies?
    i'm getting back into the swing of things here.
    i have been on health hiatus since march. maintained weight for the most part, but would like to get back into the routine before school starts at the end of august.
    my hubby has lost like 40 lbs in the last few months, so i feel that i need to get a move on.
    the 3fc forum was an awesome resource to me last winter, so i'm posting today to begin accountability. i really have nothing to say yet
    exercise thread?
  • exercise thread.