Smoothie Recipe Help

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  • Hey ladies. I'm new to this section of the forum. I've been calorie counting since January and have lost 40-45 lbs so far. Since the weather has been so miserable I have been craving smoothies, but I do not know where to start with making them. What's your fave recipe? Frozen fruits? Fresh fruits? Go!

  • This is my favorite:

    one serving frozen strawberries
    one cup light plain soy milk
    4 pkts Splenda
    1 serving Soy Protein Powder

    blend and enjoy! Its super can also just use cows milk...
  • Mine is:

    1/2 C ff plain yogurt
    frozen strawberries
    1/2 banana
    1/2 C lf milk

    Somtimes I'll put raspberries or blueberries in it too.
  • This is my favorite...
    1 cup frozen mixed berries 80 cals
    1 cup light vanilla soy milk 60 cals
    1 small container oikos greek yogurt 80 cals
    Blend and enjoy!! so thick creamy and FILLING
  • 1 container vanilla honey yogurt
    1/2 cup frozen strawberries
    vanilla soy milk-I eyeball it by making the milk cover the berries.

    1/2 cup frozen strawberries
    chocolate soy milk-eyball it..
    1/2 cup plain yogurt
    it tastes like frozen chocolate covered strawberries
  • I use Optimum Nutrition Vanilla Ice Cream protein powder, lowfat Stoneyfield Farms vanilla yogurt, milk, splash of OJ, 1/2 banana as a base. I mix the fruits up from day to day - I have (all frozen) strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, whole dark sweet cherries, peaches, mango, pineapple. I sometimes do the just red, black & blue berries, sometimes just the orange & yellow fruit with more OJ, lately I've been doing strawberry, raspberry, cherry, peach, pineapple, mango. Really good. I do 15-20 g of the yellow & orange fruit, 25-30 g of rasp, blue or blackberries, 50-65g strawberry. I increase some if I leave others out. Never too much pineapple though, it takes over fast.

    I've also done banana, lite chocolate syrup, peanut butter or strawberry. Yummy, but you have to be careful with the peanut butter.
  • Here is mine:

    1/2 cup Vanillia Soy Milk
    5 Fresh Strawberries
    1 small Apple diced
    1/2 Grapefruit (peel the cover and also peel the inner skin as if you a gutting the grapefruit slice)
  • My favorite smoothie recipe is just non-fat Greek yogurt, frozen fruit, and a little sweetener (I use sugar-free Torani syrup). One smoothie is about 1/2 cup yogurt, about 1 cup frozen fruit (maybe a little more, about 140g of fruit), and 1 tbsp syrup. Comes in at around 150 calories. It's very thick (like a Frosty); you could add some skim milk to thin it out a bit.

    My blender handles frozen fruit significantly better than it handles ice, so I like this recipe because it doesn't require ice.
  • Thank you all! I've made my grocery list out and will try and make one of each!
  • dang, these all sound sooo good. dietcokehead, what kind of vanilla honey yogart do you use? I haven't seen any in that flavor, but sounds awesome!
  • Mine usually consists of the following:

    1 banana per person
    fresh strawberries or blueberries
    nonfat Greek yogurt
    a little honey
  • Does anyone know how to figure out the calorie count for homemade soy milk? I use 1/2 cup of soy beans for 1qt of milk with 1t vanilla and 1/8C sugar.
    i make smoothies with soy milk, hemp protein powder, 1 banana sometimes other fruit thrown in, great protein for vegetarians.
    Or a veggie smoothie with kale or spinach and fruit.
    Magic Bullets are great for smoothies.
  • Last night and this morning I made a quick smoothie and they were delicious. I never knew how easy they were to make so now I will be on a smoothie kick.
  • These are my favorites -


    1 c ff milk
    3/4 c warm water mixed with 2 tsp instant coffee
    2 packets of Splenda (or sweeten to taste)
    1 c ice
    Blend all in blender or smoothie machine. To me this one tastes like Starbucks' bottled frappuccino.

    1 c ff milk
    2 packets Splenda (or sweeten to taste)
    1 frozen banana
    1 tsp cocoa
    I like mine blended without ice, but you can add 1 c ice if you like.

    Use directions for Chocolate/Banana smoothie above and add 1 tsp natural peanut butter.


    I buy ripe bananas and slice them up, putting one banana into a baggie and freeze. It's nice to be able to just pull one of out the freezer and pop it into the blender.
  • Handful blueberries
    Handful strawberries or raspberries
    1 banana
    1/2 cup apple cider
    1 tsp honey

    I always stick the fruit in the freezer first and add a little ice to the blender too. I guess you could add some yogurt but I keep it dairy free.