Self Induced Roadblock???

  • I was wondering if anyone else has met a milestone/goal and then kinda stalled.

    My son bet me last October that I could not lose 65 pounds by the time my DF and I married in May 2009. Well, I blew him out of the water. I had lost the 65 pounds a month ahead of schedule. I did get married and I have been hoovering over the same mark for the past 6 weeks. I know most of it is my mind..... but I am having a hard time pulling out of it. I eat horribly on the weekends, but I still stay active. I just wondered if anyone else is having this problem. And from senior memebers how did you get past it?
  • For me, I stalled and I wasn't doing anything wrong. I stalled for about three months, didn't lose a single pound. My body just needed time to adjust as I had lost 99 lbs in six was very frustrating though. My advice, FWIW, reevaluate, see what it is you don't like about your plan, make changes so you will LOVE your plan (I LOVE ATKINS), then put your head down and barrel through. Hugs!
  • I am glad that you lost the 65 pounds a month ahead of schedule.