What is your favorite fitness video?

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  • Like the question says:
    What is YOUR favorite fitness video, and why?

  • i have a spinning bike that I have all kinds of spinning videos to spin to - i spin around 40-60 mins a day. My mom ordered me Barrys Boot Camp. I havent gotten it yet - but I really believe in the whole fitness interval training to burn fat and get tone. I also weight train three days a week. I started out at 248 - my highest weight ever - i am now at 180 lbs.. my goal is 150
  • Crunch burn & firm pilates. It doesn't hurt my knees, there is enough change it doesn't get boring & it goes pretty quickly. You not only do cardio but, feel stretched as well.
  • I have to pick several, for different uses.

    For a lighter workout (or a second workout on my long days) - Yoga Booty Ballet Advanced. A nice combo of easy dance cardio, some leg work, and yoga stretching.

    For a cardio buttkicking - Amy Bento Hi-Lo Extreme. No equipment but shoes needed, and I'm up near 80% of my max HR for 60 minutes.

    For a long, lower-intensity cardio burn - Ultimate Tae Bo - 90 minutes of good cardio that isn't as intense as the Hi-Lo.

    For weights - Jackie Warner One-On-One - Easy to follow, effective strength training for days I don't want to work my own program.
  • I have a few video's that I use. Sometimes I Use exercise on demand so my routine varies from day to day dependent on what they have in their rotation.

    I have been doing a Bollywood routine recently that they have up.

    I can honestly say that my favorite exercise video is a video some folks at my job came up with (we're a marketing firm in NYC), it's a comical tongue in cheek vid about working out with appliances. I like funny things mostly so that's why this video is my favorite.

    It's pretty popular, you can just do a YouTube search for Strong As Steel and it will come up as number one. I hope it makes you gals chuckle.
  • I like Jillian Michael's videos... also Barry's Bootcamp and the one mentioned above, Jackie Warner One on One. I noticed when my diet is good the interval training with light weights and athletic cardio does get the weight moving. I'm doing 3 months of heavier weights with less cardio and not seeing much with the weight going down...but then again my diet has been mostly off and only sometimes on.

    I've seen some amazing results (on other people) with P90X-- if I ever get around to doing it that may become favorite workouts.
  • I, too, have different favorites for different reasons. But the top of the list is Richard Simmons Disco Blast Off. The music is fun, Richard is SO encouraging and I just have the BEST time doing it! It is adaptable to all fitness levels and has 30min of cardio followed by a weight routine.
  • To me.... Richard Simmons ....Disco Sweat and Tone&Sweat...

    He is so funny , positive and motivating. Richard's tapes were first tapes where I saw overweight people were actually doing the work out. It made me belive that I can do it too.
    Every other tape was made with skinny ,athletic, good looking girls and guys .It seamed to me that I'll , at 250 lb , never be able to do the same work out as them, so didn't even tried.
  • Walk Away The Pounds! WOOT!
    Second - Richard Simmons Disco Sweat
  • 1st.. Richard Simmons, Dance your pants off! Great music and have others vhs by him. They are fun!!

    2nd when I feel mellow...Leslie Sanson Walk away the pounds!
  • I collect workout videos and use them every day.

    My favorite is a new weight work set called Shock Training System {STS} by Cathe Friedrich, Its a three month strength training rotation that changes method and goal each month {sometimes week} to work your muscles in different ways.

    Rodney Yee AM Yoga for Your Week is great.

    Leslie's Big Burn is fun with jogging intervals. {I was recently given a used treadmill so I've been neglecting Leslie}

    P90x has some good workouts including Kenpo X, Shoulders and Arms, and Stretch X.

    10 Min Sol Pilates Perfect and 10 MS Pilates on the Ball {can you tell I like pilates in short segments?}

    Results: 10 Days to a Better Body 2-30 min weight/cardio circuits one for lower body and one for upper body.

    CIA 2505-Kickbox Bootcamp- Kim Spreen

    Cathe's Low Max- 60 min step with LB toning intervals

    Cathe's Kick, Punch and Crunch. kickbox and abs.
  • The Biggest Loser - Cardio Max
    The Biggest Loser - Power Sculpt
    The Biggest Loser - Boot Camp
    Jillian Michaels - Banish Fat, Boost metabolism
    Jillian Michaels - No More Trouble Zones
    Jillian Michaels - 30 Day Shred
  • I'm definitely a Walk Away The Pounds girl I've got lots of Leslie's dvd's. My favorite's are Walk Away Your Hips & Thighs and Shortcuts....an upper body workout with light weights & a lower body workout with ankle weights...I alternate them doing upper body 1 day, lower body the next.
  • Turbo Jam - Punch Kick Jam

    Not sure why but it's my favorite of the Turbo series. Just found it fun to do, but I like the kickboxy sorta DVDs. The CIA 2505-Kickbox Bootcamp- Kim Spreen that someone else mentioned is awesome too.
  • Richard Simmon's Dance Your Pants Off, my favorite of all his videos. Also The Biggest Loser Power Sculpt.