Accountability/Menu/Planning 15 - 21 June

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  • Hey everyone!

    So, today was a good day. A good workout, work was quiet. The boss was back after his bereavement leave. It's kind of difficult to know what to do in a situation like that - we bought a card and some flowers for him. He appreciated it.

    I did some measurements last night and I've lost 5cm/2" off my chest and hips and 10cm/4" off my waist since the last time I did measurements, which was about 6 weeks ago. So while the scale may not be moving, at least the jeans test's going well!

    The weather's supposed to turn to rubbish overnight - sleet, snow and all the usual. I'm not sure if I'll get to the gym tomorrow, but we'll see what the weather's like in the morning.

    Beverly, I hope the stress is improving for you!

    Jab, your menus always sound so yummy!

    Diane, I just don't know. I'm absolute rubbish at reading this sort of thing. I know we've got a lot of interests in common and I know that he's becoming a really good friend. I'm just taking it as it comes at the moment...

    Everyone else, hi!

    Anyway, the menu today was:

    B - toast with vegemite

    S - muesli bar

    S - apple

    L - chicken salad roll, 2 mandarins

    D - chicken and vege soup, cheese scone

    Enjoy your day!
  • Nicolen ~ your jeans test sounds GREAT !!! Good job!!

    Food for yesterday was...

    sun. 6/14/09

    bolthouse mocha protein drink

    grilled skinless chicken breast
    red potato (cooked in foil on the grill)

    fruit bowl (melon, grapes, strawberries)

    turkey & veggies (left over)
    sf lemonade


    Hard to believe we're back at Monday so Have a great OP day today !!!
  • Hello chickies! I was away on a trip last week, so haven't had much time to check in, but still fighting the good fight! Today is my 3 - telecon day, and DD has her 5th grade graduation this afternoon (my baby is headed for middle school!). Tomorrow is last day of school for them.
    The weekend was gorgeous. The kids had a campout at the farm where they take riding, so DH and I had a date and went out to eat. I was pretty good with my meal, but it was a microbrew place, so I did indulge in a beer (it was sooo good). I got lots of cleaning and stuff done while they were away, and my friend got me out for a long walk yesterday, which helped with the beer guilt. Looks like another gorgeous day today.

    B: half grapefruit, 2 hard boiled eggs, 2 slices turkey bacon
    S: V8, mozzarella cheese stick
    L: salmon, Wilted spinach and black bean salad
    S: latte, fat free yogurt with strawberry-rhubarb sauce
    D: taco bake, green salad
    S: SB peanut butter cup

    congratulations on the NSV nicole!
    Hi jab, yesterday sounds like a good day. Hope today is as well!

    Greetings to all chickies and have a great Monday!
  • Good Morning! So the scale hasn't moved, BUT I am not showing a gain and that's a good thing!

    nicolen--Fantastic measurements!!! Keep up the great work!!!

    jab--I know...what happened to the weekend???

    Schmoodle--Sounds like a great weekend!!!

    Hi to everyone else!

    I am already drinking water, which is something I have been struggling with. I ate my healthy breakfast (yea!). I am going to eat my healthy lunch that I brought from home before I go to a meeting this afternoon where 'lunch will be provided'...the meeting isn't until 1pm and they are known for their unhealthy lunches. I will bring a snack w/ me too, so I won't be tempted. I have my gym clothes in the car--today is cardio and arms. Phew. There. I have it all down, so I must do it!

    Have agreat OP day!!!
  • Happy Monday and welcome to the first day of the rest of your life! Yes, Im feeling upbeat despite the rain. Congrats to all who had a good weekend and if you didn't, today is a new day.

    I've been stranded at the same weight for about 2 weeks and I am not willing to make it 3 weeks. Im pushing hard this week for 3 pounds gone by Sunday. Im droping carbs to 10 a day and increasing exercise and water. Mike is coming home in September and I want to impress him.

    good luck all and have a great week!
  • Hi chicks - I had a good weekend with food - I stayed with my routine and it was nice to have that happen.

    Yesterday I was cleaning my office when I bent and twisted and OUCH felt a ping in my back., I'll be babying that for a while. My foot is holding up.Good grief...."The old gray mare, just ain't what she used to be!"

    Friday I started something new to do because I tend to eat very fast. I am waiting 30 seconds between bites. You's hard to do.
    It's amazing how I kind of feel full when I do that - not really sure yet (I think that part of me is 'broken'). But, it's true if you wait about 20 minutes are so - sometimes the urge to eat is gone.

    eat tasty healthy food
    no distractions while I eat
    30 seconds between bites
    ice and heat
    lots of water
    positive mental attitude

    Nicolen - hooray for the jeans test!! That's wonderful. Sometimes those inches show before pounds. You do so much working out - it makes sense.

    Seashell - the scale will move...but, sometimes at it's own pace. Darn it. Hang in there.

    MJ - you are ready and prepared to have a healthy day! That's great. Hope your knee is feeling better.

    Schmoodle - Hi! So glad you had a good weekend. Isn't it amazing how fast the kids grow up - it seems like a 'blink'.

    Shout out to anyone that stops by.

    Have a GREAT day.
  • Hi all!

    Just a quick check in. Still rockin' the food, and fightin' the exercise. I'll commit to a long walk with the puppies today.

    Glad to see everyone doing so well!
  • Hi everyone. Quick post for me, too. Doing well with exercising and staying on plan, but I was disappointed in my weigh-in. Up by .4 pounds. Not much, so I can live through it. I seem to have one week where nothing happens and then a couple of weeks when I get to lose again. Must be patient!

    My son was selected for his little league baseball all star team. Excited to watch him find out about it tonight. (I've done well in keeping it a secret!)

    Have a great day!
  • Hey everyone,

    I'm pleased today is all but over - busy day at work, topped off by my last caller of the day having a go at me. Because of course it's my fault that his policies were cancelled due to non payment, even though he was warned that would happen. I ended up missing my bus and having to walk to the hospital to catch a bus - the bus that comes closest to my work only goes once an hour.

    Anyway, it was a good workout at the gym and the walk will have done me good. We didn't get snow in the city, but there was a wee bit on the hills, which intrigued one of my team members who's experiencing his first southern winter. He'll learn...

    Jab, tell me about it! Monday always seems to come around so fast.

    Schmoodle, sounds like an awesome weekend!

    MJ, go you with the water drinking!

    Seashell, hopefully you'll see a drop this week!

    Beverly, ouch! Hope you're feeling better and in no pain today!

    CC, hope you had a good walk with the puppies!

    Diane, that's awesome about your son! What was his reaction like?

    Have fun everyone!
  • Good Morning! I went to the gym yesterday. I thought I might have overdone it, but I feel pretty good this am! YIPPEE! I have everything packed for today, too.

    sunshine--You certainly are upbeat!

    Beverlyjoy--Yea for a good weekend!!! Oh be careful!!! I bet it is hard, 30 seconds is a long time...

    CC--How was the walk yesterday? I bet the puppies loved it!!

    Diane--Keep at it, you will see the whoosh soon! Congrats to your son! How exciting!!

    nicolen--today is a new day...sounds like that's a good thing, right?!

    Today is upper body weights and cardio.

    Have a great OP day everyone!
  • Hi chicks - I pulled through a good day yesterday - I am so grateful. That's over two weeks of sane healthful eating. Thank goodness for these good days. My 'exercise' of waiting 30 seconds between bites is so, so telling for me. It is my inkling to keep shoveling in the food so quickly. Of course, I won't do this all of my life - but, I hope this will teach me to eat slower in the long run.

    I have been managing my work - even with my ouchy foot and ouchy back. Both are holding up. I couldn't do it without my summer helper Alexandra. The programs have been going beautifully and the children are very enthusiastic and joyful.

    For today:
    healthy delicious foods
    fork down between bites
    aware eating - no distractions
    journal - I haven't been doing this & need to get with it
    lots of water
    ice and heat for my pieces and parts
    positive mental attitude

    MJ - so glad your trip to the gym didn't make your knee hurt...yay. Have a great day.

    Nicolen - isn't it funny how some clients can't take responsiblity for their own actions. Enjoy the wee bit of snow and the gym.

    Diane - .4 of a pound could be water, friend. It will go down. Hooray for your son's accomplishment. I know you're proud.

    CLCS - keep up the good stuff. Yes, those puppies will keep you moving for sure.

    Hi to everyone else....Have a GREAT day.
  • Food for yesterday....

    mon 6/15/09

    bolthouse mocha protein drink

    Morningstar spicy black bean burger
    Cottage cheese
    Broccoli & cauliflower


    Turkey & ff cheese wrap (whole gr tortilla)
    Sf lemonade

    Sf pudding


  • Good Morning everyone! Accountability time for me...I did not go to the gym last night. Usual excuses..I was running way late from work (So? The gym was still open!!!) and my knee hurt (ok, when doesn't my knee hurt?!)....water was excellent and food kinda balanced itself out...which basically means I didn't make the best choices, but didn't eat a lot and made better choices as the day went on.

    So, today is a new day. I have all of my food and snacks ready to go. My gym clothes are waiting for me (from yesterday! LOL!) My water bottle is clean and waiting....

    Today is going to be a not-so-fun day at work. I have to deal with some disciplinary stuff. Never my favorite thing....but I plan to get the writing part of it done first thing this morning and meet with the person as soon as they come in this afternoon.

    Tomorrow I have been invited to a meeting w/ my director and my executive director. That will be fun! I know this is part of my "grooming" for my promotion....still don't know when it will be posted, so I can officially apply for it, but like I said, I have seen the staffing pattern with that promotion included! I just wish they would do it already!!!! I know they are waiting until we reconfigure our program, but I wish we could do it sooner!

    Friday, dh and I are off together! Yippee! Not sure what we will do, yet. I am going to a jewelry party w/ some girlfriends in the evening. I actually 'maxed out' on acruing time off, so I "had" to schedule some days off or I wouldn't acrue anymore...not a bad situation to be in! So I have some long weekends coming up.

    Ok, I really need to get ready for work!!! Have a great OP day everyone!!! I will be doing yesterdays workout today (arms and cardio).
  • I did good yesterday. Was hungry and ate more but made good choices. I also worked up quite the sweat with the wii and I am feeling it this morning. Co-ordination and rhythm passed me by in life by I do my best so I guess that counts for

    Tues. 6/16/09

    Lf yogurt
    Sprinkle of muesli



    Lg salad w/ extra tomatoes (ranch dressing)
    Morningstar spicy black bean burger crumbled on top of salad
    Fruit bowl

    Bolthouse mocha protein drink

    Lf yogurt

    Work sucked yesterday and I wanted to quit badly but I can't afford to. Hoping today is better.

    Good luck to everyone staying OP.

  • Hi chicks....yesterday was a good day....I am so grateful.

    In the last week I have lost 2 pounds - I am very, very grateful to see that number go down.

    healthy tasty food
    aware eating
    putting my fork down between bites and pausing
    lots of water
    stretches and strengthening
    Positive Mental Attitude

    Jab - your menus are always great!! Wonderful!

    MJ - you're ready for a good day. HOpe your meetings aren't too hectic. I know you can do it, friend.

    Shout out to everyone that comes by!

    Have a great day.