TGIF Coffee and Chat

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  • Here we are at Friday again! Who knows where the time goes - Whoops! Now I'll have a Judy Collins ear worm for the day.

    Finally my veggie garden will be tilled this morning. I have a few perennials that have to be moved before he starts so will get out there shortly. Moel's "first thing in the morning" is several hours later than mine so I have time. As soon as he's done, I'll start bunging in plants, particularly the lettuces which are straining to get out of their little pots. Looks like tomorrow will be a nice day again so I'll pace myself.

    Did I ever mention how much I love my garden? :; By the way, the back part of my garden looks almost exactly the same as my avatar. Gotta love poppies!

    Wishing you a poppy filled day and a good weekend.

  • GM Ruth, enjoy planting your new garden today.

    DS has been working a little over a month as a shipper/receiver at KMart. From the second week in he's been called to pick up no less than three extra shifts a week! This morning instead of going in at 11 as scheduled they called yesterday for him to go in at 8 this am, so Imust make this short.

    Me, still looking for work, and holding steady at 180. HOwever, my clothes are fitting tighter . So, hoping to start buckling down a bit here. More planning. Haven't been planning much lately. Without planning my diet goes to ****.

    There's a neighborhood sale in Victor today, was going to go, then got a look at my checking account. AFter the rent check clears I wont even have ten bucks in there! . Good thing DS owes me about fifty bucks tomorrow when he gets paid so I can get fresh veggies in the house. I have some in the freezer, but hard to make salads with frozen veggies .

    Anyway, hope all is well with ya'll. Will check in later today.

  • Good Morning Everyone

    Hi Ruth, and thanks for the ear worm. I'm glad your garden is finally getting tilled. Your flowers are so beautiful. This is truly my favorite time of year. It gets really hot later on although mornings are still really comfy.

    We went to the first Farmer's Market of the season yesterday and I got salad mix, zucchini, cukes and beans. Everything tastes so good this time of year, I just slice up the vegies in my salad and eat everything raw.

    I made a few changes in my food plan based on the GI. I went to the health food store and bought Ezekial bread and tortillas. I've revived one of my favorites and am having a soft boiled egg on a slice of dry toast for lunch every day. It is very satisfying.

    We went to the first Farmer's Market of the season yesterday and I got salad mix, zucchini, cukes and beans. Everything tastes so good this time of year, I just slice up the vegies in my salad and eat everything raw.

    I'm amazed how fast this week has gone by. Busy day here. I'll get my exercise in early then prepare for guests. Our river conservancy has it's annual rafting trip tomorrow. I'm going to volunteer because I gave my spot on the boat to one of our visitors. Soo.....its time to clean and figure out what to do food wise.

    Lori Ann, nice to meet you.
  • Good morning chicks!

    Ruth - your garden is BEAUTIFUL!!!! I wish I had a knack for it, but I just don't. Of course, with small children, I don't seem to have a knack for anything (except maybe for spaying cats ). Maybe one day...

    Lori - good luck with the job search. I'm glad your DS's is turning out great though!!! I agree on the planning thing...I haven't been inspired for making my weekly salads for lunches, and it messes me up (what to eat? what to eat??).

    Debbie - can I be a guest and go rafting? That would be beautiful!! Hope you have a great weekend!

    Me - The offer on our house fell thru (they wanted full price, we didn't want to pay it!), BUT, it appears things are finally moving on the one we've waited so long for. I shall make no vulgar comments now, use your imagination!

    Today I hope to get some chores done. I'm going to pass on the exercise thing...I donated blood Wed, and I felt pretty crummy yesterday. I think I'd be pushing it to go on a run today. Otherwise the and children! (Today is DS's last day of kindergarten....WHAT?!?!?)

    Have a great day!!
  • Good morning from beautiful Bar Harbor! It's foggy, but the sun is just breaking through, and it's just gorgeous!

    I'm letting Monica sleep in for a little while, since she never gets the chance to do it at home, then we're going for a yummy breakfast at The Black Cat Cafe before exploring the island. We plan to go to Bass Harbor lighthouse, and want to hike to the top of Cadillac Mt. Caitlyn is going to be busy with her last final, so we won't see her until this evening, when she'll join us for supper.

    Have a wonderful day, everyone, and I'll try to check in when I can and maybe post a few pictures!
  • Good morning I've been lost in geek toy land all morning.

    Ruth - your flowers are beautiful! Have a wonderful garden and porch day

    Lori - Hello! It's nice to hear from you. I posted a link a few days ago to a blog with lots of frugal cooking ideas, Follow that to her blog for ideas and recipes. It is a vegan site but you might find some interesting tips. I can't believe she fed herself and 2 teenage boys for $3.33 a day!

    Debbie - Wow, I never realized how far ahead the growing season is there. We got lots of Asian greens, salad turnips and strawberries and I was excited

    Twynn- hoping the right one finally falls into place. Wow, last day of kindergarten, it all passes so darned fast!

    Cottage - enjoy breakfast and the island. You are really making me want a fall trip to Acadia. Might have to haul ourselves up there after the kids go back to school (it's all much quieter).

    Yesterday was quite a roller coaster. My bff's husband got laid off in the afternoon. She is the one who got laid off at our office so a serous hit for them. I'll stop by later with wine and chocolate but I wish there was something substantive that I could do.

    Then later in the day DP gave me my birthday gift early. She and DD got together and bought me a Touch. Our new cell phones also arrived so I spent the entire afternoon and evening in geek toy land getting things set-up and just figuring out what they can do. Today we are off to have an early birthday day. This was supposed to be our weekend at Cape Cod but with kitty still on canned food we are staying close to home. Today we will do whatever I want (there will be either hiking or biking) and maybe lunch at my favorite restaurant. Tomorrow I'm going to Boston to spend the day with DD. More walking all over and another meal out! Sunday I will eat vegetables, clean the house, and garden

    Why are days off always so busy?!
  • Cyndi, is today your birthday? If so, best wishes. Sounds like a fun day by all accounts.

    Our growing season is not so far ahead of yours. We are just blessed that our CSA is based out of year round greenhouses. They supply all the Whole Foods in the state with year round produce, so we have had cabbage, beets, carrots, bok choy, zucchs and tomatoes since March....and only 10 miles from home. if you'd ever like a quick visual.
  • My birthday isn't until Tuesday but it's stretching into a week long thing
  • Swampalicious but Hi! Ruth the garden Looks Great!
    Cyn YOu have to make the Birthday a month!!
    ok gotta run before boss lady comes back!
  • Good morning ladies!! Happy Friday!
    Ruth - Your gardens are always so beautiful. Thanks for sharing the picture.

    Loriann - Welcome back my friend! Glad to hear that you son is doing so well. I hope good news is in the future for you!

    Lexxiss - I'm with you and the Farmer's market. I love this time of year when the veggies are super fresh. Enjoy your lunch today!

    Twynn - Here's hoping things move quickly on the house!

    Cottage - Enjoy your time in Maine! I'm sure it's lovely!

    Cyndi - Sorry about your friend. I hope things get better soon. Enjoy your new toys!

    Me - Se we're headed out to the local Balloon and Wine festival this afternoon. My family all gets together and we go trailer camping for the weekend. It's a blast!!!! I'm really looking forward to it!
    Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
  • Good Morning, Everyone!

    Ruth, Your garden is beautiful. Enjoy planting today.

    Loriann, Hang in there!

    Lexxiss, I lived in Colorado when I was a little girl. I remember Olatha corn, apricots and cherries. Yum!

    Twynn, Buying a house should be easy in this economy! Sheesh! Good Luck!

    Cyndi, I absolutely think birthdays should be a week long celebration! Enjoy yours.

    KO, Are you starting your week-long celebration yet?

    Me, Our farmers market opens this weekend. WooHoo!!! I love fresh veggies. There is an old man who looks like a farmer -- old, rickety truck, dirty overalls, straw hat. He has the most beautiful veggies you've ever seen. He hasn't actually grown one of them. He drives to the downtown farmers market where they buy things from California and totes them here. I've learned to ask if the veggies are local.

    The t-ball game was rained out last night. We're on for tonight. I watched a couple of the boys from the other team practice. They are going to kick our butts.

    Good Morning, Heather! We went trailer camping for Memorial Weekend. It's the best! Have fun!
  • Good morning everyone! It's a gorgeous day here in South Texas...the girls and I are going to Fort Worth this morning to visit family for a few days.

    I can't wait to have a garden. We're in an apartment now, so can't do it.
  • Morning! Beautiful day here, too! Have some errands to run but wanted to say hi! It's one of those days where I just don't want to do ANYTHING, but I have to. Finally nice weather again!!!

    Hope everyone has a fabulous day!

  • Hello everyone, sorry I have been MIA for a few days, but things have been hectic here- my friend and co-worker who I car pool with had to go to ER on Tuesday so I went with her and we did not get home till 8:30 p.m. at night. Wednesday and Yesterday were busy at work and then DD2 Play practice. We have play practice or painting the set every night but Friday and Saturday. Yiiikes. The play is the last weekend of this month so not too much more longer to go.

    I hope everyone has a great day.
  • Rushing out, but wanted to wish everyone a great Friday and weekend!

    Husband and I went out to eat breakfast this morning...warning food porn...
    It was my "cheat of the month" and worth every bite...kind of eggs benedict, but with crab cakes on the bottom. I think I figured out a way to SB it and will let ya'll know if it works.
    Then we drove along the lakefront so I could get some shots, then hit the sale at OLD NAVY and went to the "dog store" for dog meds and food and headed back.

    Ruth, those poppies are just fantastic...have a few shots of my garden at the end of the album I posted.(the brick patio/pussy willows/purple water plants/ is kind of an overcast day, so they aren't great.

    We are running out the door to go to the movies...Gawd, but I love me a Friday!!!