A Personal Trainer

  • Hey all! i finally got a personal trainer at the gym expensive but all i can say is whew! this guy kept me on my toes. in one session i learned the correct weights to lift and also what MY target heart rate should be for optimal weight loss ( 155-160 bmp) i also realized that 10 pounds weigh alot when you lift then for a few sets ( 16 lifts per set) i also learned that i am not gonna bulk up from doing weight lifting and that it actually is vital to boost my metabolism...needless to say..i am SORE! but a good sore and i am stoked for the gym tomorrow..i want to jog on the treadmill but i haven't ran in about 10 years except to chase kids wish me luck and if there are any pointers on jogging please share!
  • Good for you! It's a worthwhile investment to make since you know you'll want to continue working out for many years to come. Might as well do what works for YOU and do it correctly. Enjoy it (in as much as it's possible, lol!)
  • Quote: if there are any pointers on jogging please share!
    Buy a good sports bra! Don't push yourself too far to fast, pace yourself, don't fill up on food or water beforehand, get some good beats on your ipod if you have one that is, try to relax your body as you run and use good breathing technique.

    Most of all, stick at it even when it get's rough! Happy running!
  • Definitely buy a damn good sports bra!! Jogging is a fantastic time to fall into the rhythm and think about everything else in your life. I always put some Scissor Sisters on my iPod and think about things I have to do!