New Chick on the Block

  • Hey everyone well, I was searching for something on google... I don't really remember what. Maybe something about calories, and I found this website. And I thought "haha well that's a cute name"... then I started looking at the threads and everything and decided to join I've never done this whole forum thing, but hopefully it'll turn out well.

    I'm starting out with a week long body cleanse... which means I can eat absolutely no unhealthy food. But, I think that's a good start.. cleaning my body of toxins and then getting into the habit of eating healthy.

    I've been struggling with my weight since I was a kid. My mom and older brother would constantly call me fat, and when I look back at pictures of me from even just a few years ago, I don't think I looked fat at all. Certain events happened in the past few years that caused me to be really depressed... and, yes, now I do look in the mirror and go "well. that needs to change."

    Another big reason I want to lose the weight is because in two years I want to join the Air Force after college. Members of my family have always been military, and I think it'd be cool to (1) be the first girl in the military in my family and (2) serve my country :]

    So, I have a treadmill, I have Wii Fit, I have two corgis I take for walks... now, I have the motive.

    Wish me luck

  • Hi and welcome! You'll love this forum, we've all "been there done that", so you will get lots of support.
    The diet blog is also a good tool. Congrats on starting... that's the hardest part!

  • A noble goal! 3FC can absolutely help you on this journey! Come back often - we are a friendly and smart bunch of chickies (and roosters).
  • thank you for the welcome and I will definitely come back often
  • Oooo! Corgi's! Be sure to post pictures, haha.

    Seriously though, welcome! I think you posted on my intro earlier but good luck in your goals. My dad especially would call me things like Thunder Thighs and Fatty even when I was only 115 lbs...he was teasing, but it still hurt and even when I was thin I always had a complex because of little comments like that. Don't get me wrong, I love my Dad, he's a great man, but guys just don't get it sometimes, ya know! So, I know some of what you're feeling. Chin up though, we're here for you!
  • Hey Tina, I just uploaded a picture of one of my corgis as my avatar
    My mom constantly picked on me, too. She just doesn't understand, and never will understand, how such small insults can completely kill a person's self-image.
  • Quote: Hey Tina, I just uploaded a picture of one of my corgis as my avatar
    Yay! Pets are so much fun. I am personally a cat lover, but in their defense both of my felines play fetch
  • Hey! I'm very excited you're here!

    This is a little off topic but growing up my family would always hint and pick on me. Especially my grandpa. Talk about a let down. Even my friends would comment just to be cruel. Guys AND girls can be very rude and sometimes they just don't know even little/jokes can hurt us.

    That being said, today I hold no grudge against any of those that called me names or picked on me. What I keep in mind is yeah they made me feel like crap, but at the same time (for me anyways) they were what motivated me to change my life. Technically if they didn't treat me like they did, or act like nothing was wrong I'd probably still be almost 300 pounds you know?

    Your dog is cuteee!
  • Welcome and best of luck to you on your journey! We're here to help!

    Also, Wiis totally rule. ;p

  • Quote: Hey! I'm very excited you're here!

    This is a little off topic but growing up my family would always hint and pick on me. Especially my grandpa. Talk about a let down. Even my friends would comment just to be cruel. Guys AND girls can be very rude and sometimes they just don't know even little/jokes can hurt us.

    That being said, today I hold no grudge against any of those that called me names or picked on me. What I keep in mind is yeah they made me feel like crap, but at the same time (for me anyways) they were what motivated me to change my life. Technically if they didn't treat me like they did, or act like nothing was wrong I'd probably still be almost 300 pounds you know?

    Your dog is cuteee!

    thanks for the welcome :] and yeah, all the name calling from my mom and brother are also what motivates me to lose weight. one day the name calling will stop and she'll look at me/my life and no longer have any complains
  • Quote: Welcome and best of luck to you on your journey! We're here to help!

    Also, Wiis totally rule. ;p

    thanks and yes, Wiis do totally rule