Tuesday Clucks and Coffee

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  • Another cold morning and the dogs were anxious to get back in for breakfast. I almost felt I should be giving them warm food! It'll be a good morning for digging more plants for the sale when the sun warms us up a bit. My digging muscles are a bit sore this morning but a hot shower will fix that up.

    This afternoon I go to the nursing home for pet therapy and have to decide which dog gets to go this time. Jazz loves all the attention but I think it's Disney's turn. She really, really needs grooming though. I may get to that this morning. I honestly don't know where my time goes these days and it's going to get worse for the rest of the month. Too bad I need to sleep.

    I hope everyone remembers the site will be down for a server change this afternoon. It may take a while for everyone to get back online but we should all be OK by Hump Day morning.

    See you later. Try not to drink all the coffee.
  • Good morning Ruth! Still plenty of coffee here - want a cup? Sounds like you need the extra jolt to get everything done.

    Well 1 day down, 4 to go until I'm officially on vacation. I so need it this year. Today is a work at home day with a lunch break to take my bff out for lunch. It's her birthday and for the next 4 weeks she will be older than me. I'm embarrassed to admit how much that amuses me every year

    I think I'll get started on work stuff early so I can get out for a nice long walk later. I'll try not to check the site every 15 minutes all afternoon. Thank goodness for facebook!
  • I'll try not to hog the coffee, but you know I can't start my day without at least 1/2 a pot, Ruth. I can totally picture you serving a hot meal to Disney and Jazz.

    It's chilly outside, but not as bad as yesterday morning. I was just out, turning on the water for the new plants, and it looks like it's going to be a rather pleasant day. Maggie and I planted 2 flats of marigolds around their vegetable patch yesterday to help keep the bugs away, and we'll probably start planting our veggies today. We planted some geraniums and double impatiens for Cindy, too, and they really look nice. Now, if we can just keep the dogs from digging in the beds.

    The girls have their spring concert this morning, so I'll be off to that shortly. I made a yummy strawberry spinach salad for my lunch yesterday, and I think I'll make another one for today since it was so good!

    Morning, Cyndi! Your countdown to vacation is getting shorter! I'll be off to Maine the first weekend of June to pick up my granddaughter from college. We're making a long weekend of it and I can hardly wait! Wish your BFF a happy birthday from me, and enjoy being the youngest for a few weeks.
  • Good morning,

    Ruth- Have fun at the nursing home this afternoon.

    Cyndi- Have fun with your luncheon date with BFF.

    Cottage- Enjoy the spring concert.

    As for me- already at work just wanted to check in early since I knew the site was going down. Tonight DD2 Soccer regionals start- I doubt she will play its only varsity playing but she might so I am debating on going. Other than that not much going on today either. I did have NSV- yesterday at work we had cake to celebrate promotions and even though it looked yummy did not touch at all and even took some home for the family and did not touch at home not even a pinch. So I was proud of myself- I am totally detoxed from sugar.
  • Quick check in before the site goes down. I have so much work to do today thanks to a serious case of "I hate Monday's" yesterday!

    I just realized this morning I will have a 4 day weekend over Memorial weekend since I am taking that Friday off to prepare for DD's graduation on Saturday.

    I need to get to it, hope you ladies all have a great day!
  • Good Morning ladies! I haven't been into the personals in a while and have a bit of extra time this morning to say hello!!! Plus I see I may not be able to get on till tomorrow again(the announcement)... anywho- Good Morning!

    Ruth- Hope you find time to get everything in today and good luck at catching up! I have run out of time in my days for things as well!!!

    Cyndi- Your vacation sounds lovely! Hope the week goes by quickly for you!

    Cottage- spinach strawberry salad sounds divine! Enjoy the concert this morning!

    Pearl- WTG on resisting that cake!!!

    Pacer- Hope you get caught up today!

    As for me, I am planning to do the normal cleaning on Tuesdays, then hopefully have time to run to the mall for a bit. I would also like to mow the yard for dh, since he's been helping with the tile so much he hasn't had the time... or I guess since he sleeps till 1 he hasn't. lol. either way he's a big help and I am not complaining! Would also like to clean out my car today if I have the chance! and drink lots and lots of water! LOL
  • Happy Tuesday!
    I have Day 1 Phase 1 under my belt. It wasn't as challenging as I had remembered. I managed to stay away from the Oreo's yesterday! Made it to the store for more SB staples... including my SF fudge bars.
    Busy day today. Working all day, DD has ballet. We are getting to the end of ballet, the recital is in 2 weeks. Can't wait for that. DD HATES ballet and can't wait for this to be over! I am tried of dragging her there! ha ha
    Stinks that the site will be down today, can't wait to see it tomorrow!!
  • Good morning ladies! Happy Tuesday!

    Ruth - You remind me so much of my Aunt....she's as busy as you are. I hope you find time today to get everything done that you need to get done.

    Cottage - Enjoy the concert today, sounds like a lot of fun.

    Cyndi - Enjoy your lunch with your BFF today. And I think it's perfectly fine to enjoy the four weeks that you're younger. You've earned it!

    Pearlrose - Great job with the cake!!! FANTASTIC!

    Stephanie - Hope you're getting it done today!

    Rikki - Lots of cleaning today....be sure, like you said, to drink plenty of water today!

    Jen - Sorry to hear that your DD has not enjoyed ballet, but at least you're letting her out of it, and not making her go again. Good job, Mommy!!!

    ME - Had a really good day of eating yesterday. My plan is to simply build on that momentum today. And I know I've got a great dinner of salmon and asparagus to look forward to tonight. Yesterday my ear got plugged and it's still plugged this morning. Quite annoying!!!! Today at work I'm in 3 IEPs, so I'm not sure how much more I will get done with stuff in my office. I'm hoping these meetings don't go too long. One can dream, right???
    Finale of Biggest Loser tonight, and a big night on Idol. Between TV and laundry, I'm set for the evening!
    Have a good one, ladies! BLESSINGS!!!!
  • Hi chicks, and Happy Tuesday. It's a beautiful sunny day here and I am trying to get at least two loads of wash hung out this morning. I've got to alter DD's dance costumes for her dress rehearsal tomorrow, and still need to finish that dang bridesmaid's dress for my niece. I am determined to get that off my to-do list by the end of the week. And then of course there's work, sigh. At least I think I will be at home all week, although I was warned I may get called in for a brief late in the week.
    I had a clean Ph1 day yesterday, and made a yummy savory zucchini ricotta cheesecake. DH loved it, but I think I'll experiment a bit more - I'd prefer it a little creamier. I'll post the recipe when I get it right. Tonight is deep dish spaghetti squash Italian pie.

    We had a lovely Mother's Day. We went hiking at Cunningham Falls and the kids had a blast climbing on the rocks under the waterfall and I got some good pix. Very relaxing!
    Heather, I hung a string in my office and I'm stringing a bead for each clean day as motivation. I'm a very visual person and I like to see progress. One day at a time!
    Hey Jen, I would have to get rid of those oreos. Yesterday was my day 1 (again). I always dread day 3, but at least I know what's coming.
    Hi rikki, good luck getting through that list today!
    Hello, Steph, I am in the same boat, yesterday was not a great day all round.
    That's great Pearl! I love being detoxed from sugar, I feel like superwoman around sweets when I'm in the groove. It's a great feeling (which I haven't felt for a while now).
    cottage, springtime is salad time! And strawberry time... And asparagus time... And rhubarb time... I love the spring!
    I'll see you on facebook later Cyndi. I must have missed it but what are your vacation plans? birds and camping?
    Thanks for the reassurance Ruth, and have a great digging, dogging day! I can't see that banner either, by the way.

    Family crap is getting me down, it's amazing the ripples a divorce can send through the family dynamic. As it turns out, I am the only one everyone feels comfortable talking to, including future ex-SIL, brother, parents, grandmother, so I get the calls every time someone needs to vent or worry, and I spend too much energy trying to not to end up in the middle. I am not a blabbermouth by any means, but I hope they don't all expect me to keep track of what lies we are supposed to be telling and to whom!
  • Hello and Good morning to you all!!

    Ruth- it was quite chilly here also this morning. Thankfully going to be warmer later. Enjoy your time at the nursing home today.

    Cyndi - Only 4 days to go until your vacation YAY!!!! Enjoy.. I go in 24 for a weekend break with a friend and then in 89 days with the family. I can't wait.

    Cottage - Enjoy the girls concert today. My niece had hers last night. They are so much fun to go to!

    Pearl - great job on resisting that cake!!! Hope the soccer team wins!

    Pacer - hope you get done today what needs to be done.

    Rikki - Hope you get your cleaning done so you can run to the mall.

    Jenskihere- Great job on completing Day1 of Phase 1. My dd takes ballet and tap and jazz. Her Recital is coming up also. THis was her first year for dance and she doesn't like it so she too will be out after this.

    Heather - glad you had a good day of eating yesterday! Your dinner sounds really yummy!

    As for me I baked cupcakes for my class this morning. I teach at a co-op on Tuesdays afternoon and this is our last day of instruction. Nothing else planned. I do have to get ready for a yard sale this weekend. My dd and I are having one to benefit Relay for Life so hopefully it will go well.

    Hope you all have a wonderful day.
  • Schmoodle - sounds like you have A LOT going on!! We are having a divorce going on in our famiy too, we haven't been too involved, but we still hear our fair share. Tough situation. I couldn't throw out the Oreo's because the kids would have killed me! Thankfully they are almost gone, and I won't be replacing them anytime soon. We all eat better when Mommy is following SB more carefully. I cleaned out the pantry this weekend and got rid of quite a few things. I love that "super women" feeling and I can't wait for that to return!!! I don't remember day 3... maybe I don't want to either!
    Heather - I forgot what a big TV night it is. I can't wait to see who wins The Biggest Loser!!!
  • Hi All
    It sound like everyone is off to a busy start today. Best wishes on all your ventures and adventures.

    Heather, I like your idea about stringing the beads for every clean day. I just got some new beads. I am very visual too.

    Me, had another clean day yesterday. I did some picking up in the house this morning, and I'm going to be working in the yard most of the day. Our yard has some 100 year old ash trees that are loosing their gusto one by one. We are working on taking one down. We have planted 2 cherry trees, one last year, and one two years ago. Haven't decided what to plant to replace this old guy.

    I am commited to staying on track today with my food plan. I have a nice organic chicken I'll roast today for lunch and everybody can enjoy it the way they want.

    See you all once the site is back up

    Debbie R

    P.S. The hummingbirds are back!
  • Hi No time for anything!!
    Schmoo Big Hug Lady just take care of you
    will have to catch up with BL tomorrow as NCIS finale is tonight!!!
    Gotta run!
  • Hey thanks Kierie, I have taken on some new Army programs out of Picatinny and I think I'll have a need to get up there some this summer. Hopefully we can arrange a get together.
  • So its Day Two of Phase One for me. :x I am having some serious cracker cravings, but even though they are only twenty steps away, I'm staying clear. I keep telling myself I'm stronger than a cracker. Ha ha. So far, eating has been pretty good. Tried a pancake recipe today that was pretty good, for only eggs and Splenda. xD I do have a migraine though so I am staying home from school. So far so good. Hope it stays that way. :]

    Edit ::

    Alright so its almost dinner time. Still haven't eaten anything bad, yay me. x3 But on the downside, I feel guilty. I made some SBD peanut butter cookies. They are completely okay for Phase I, nothing at all thats not allowed, but I ate two! I feel so weak right now. Like I let something so small get to me. D: Ugh...