what do you loose 1st pounds or inches?

  • im new to dieting and exercising, but ive been trying my best and was just wondering what do you see first pounds gone or inches? Do you think inches are slow to show up gone? Sorry if it sounds like a dumb question I lost 3 pounds so far but I feel like im no seeing results yet. Does anyone have any experiences they can tell me about? Like how long it took you to loose a inch or a few inches? thanks
  • weeellll, what exactly are you doing? for me, i usually see inches more than pounds but not always.
  • ive been doin the kim kardashian/jennifer galardi dvd for the past week and i just started the 30 day shred dvd today also. Ive been watching what ive been eating and cut out all alcohol (i was having a drink after work about everyday, bad i know but i cut it all out) havent been eating after 8pm. Getting enough sleep and drinking alot of water. Ive got a pretty small frame I used to be 125 and 140 was my heighest weight before now (195) Ive got alot of weight on me from the past year and it doesnt quite look right on my frame. Im just not patient and i know its not gonna happen over night but i can dream! I just want to see a few inches come off so I can see it can actually happen to me i dont know why but in my head i feel like its never gonna come off
  • For me, I see inches before pounds!!
  • I think I noticed on the scale first, then inches as my clothes started to get looser. It was a back and forth process -- lose a few pounds, then notice the inches. I weighed a lot more often than I measured, so I tended to only notice the inches lost by how my clothes fit. However, when I got to my goal weight, I continued to lose inches for a while. Exercise kept tightening things up even though my weight remained the same, so people thought I was still losing weight, even when I wasn't.

    Be patient, give it time! The weight didn't go on over night, and it takes time to take it back off (safely and permanently).
  • Oh, everyone is different. Some lose weight before inches and some the other way around. Three pounds is an excellent start, but probably a bit premature to expect to really see it
  • Mine went in groups - I lost a few pounds with no size change, then a big inches drop with no weight change, then pounds, then some inches, etc. I lost several more inches after hitting my current maintenance weight, also. also, I noticed the difference in my clothes before my eye perceived any difference.

    You are still early yet, and are off to a great start. You'll start to feel a difference soon!
  • For me its totally inches first..