HELP!!! Calorie Cycle- any success, how does it work?

  • Hey Everyone!

    I need some serious help. I started my "lifestyle" change back in January and minus a rough month in March, I have done pretty well with changing my eating habits and exercising 6 days a week. That being said, I am at the worst plateau ever and I still have another 60 + pounds to go. I didnt want to do a "diet" but Im afraid if I dont start seeing a change, I am going to throw in the towel. Well, not really, I love how I feel with 23 pounds off but its just really frustrating - ya know?! Anyway, I was doing A LOT of research on the web and read about calorie cycling. Has anyone done this? If so, was it successful? What was the average weight loss that you saw within a certain time period? How does the program work? Is there any forums that are dedicated to this (I couldnt find one)? many questions, anyone that can enlighten me I would be so appreciative.

    THANK YOU!!!
  • Hey!

    With calorie cycling, you keep the same average calorie target every week, but you vary what you eat every day.

    Here's an example:

    Monday 1363
    Tuesday 1240
    Wednesday 1636
    Thursday 1363
    Friday 1240
    Saturday 1499
    Sunday 1363

    That averages out to around 1380.

  • I have calorie cycled successfully. I didn't necessarily plan to cycle, but it just worked out that way. In the calorie counter's forum, there are several threads on it. If you search, it is often called calorie shifting.

    It is definitely worth trying! I also encourage you to mix up your routine a bit. Try different foods, different workouts, etc.

    Our bodies get used to routine, and weight loss often stalls as a result.

    Don't give up - you CAN do this! Really! Let us know how you are doing
  • I've been calorie cycling pretty much throughout my entire weight loss journey. Although I don't plan my cycles in advance, it works out to a couple of low days (about 1500 calories), a couple of medium days (about 1700 calories) a couple of high days (about 1900 calories) and one treat day (anywhere from 2200-2500 calories). Lately my weight loss has slowed down a little (to about 1 pound per week) but up until I got into the 150's I was losing on average of 1.5-2 pounds per week.
  • I've always been a calorie cycler. It gives me a little more freedom in my diet and makes it easier for me to stay on plan long term. Generally I slack off a little on the weekends and allow more calories and make up for it at the end of the week (Thurs./Fri.) when I'm feeling less hungry anyway. I've steadily lost weight this way . During the week I keep it to 1200-1600 cals depending on how hard I exercise and on the weekends I don't have a fit if I hit 2,000 on Saturday or Sunday but I try to stay below that and still keep my foods healthy options for the most part.

    Mixing it up never hurts!
  • Thank you so much much everyone, this definately enlightens me! I am going to give it a try starting today and I will try to keep you updated on my progress. If you have any additional suggestions, I am completely open to them!

    On a side note, I was really happy to see some of the people who replied. I have seen your pics in the before and after goals forum and was always impressed and amazed with your progress and its even more encouraging to know that you did it through the same method that I am attempting to do. YAY!!! Thanks again everyone, heres to my new journey.
  • I also love calorie cycling. It makes sense to me. Naturally there are some days I will WANT to eat more than others--occasionally there is a celebration and I want to be able to partake moderately without thinking I am wrecking my healthy life. I think Jayells numbers look really great in regards to severity she bounces on calories. I do something similar.

    I feel more comfortable when I am weighing daily calorie cycling. It is easy to go back to the old ways so knowing I will be getting on the scale helps me stay in check.

    I hesitatingly tell you I have had substantial scale drops when I ate bunches AFTER being STRICTLY on plan (under 1500 calories and running 3, 4 or 5 miles a day) for several weeks in a row.
  • Calorie cycling definitely seems efficient for weight loss, but I'll be honest that I am a little scared of it because I did it during previous, temporary weight losses and found it hard to do. I was so hungry on the lower days, even though they were only 200 lower. Same with the day after a 'free' or 'normal calorie' day. It often led to straying off plan for me and this time I have found it relatively easy even though I'm eating less calories than previous attempts. Maybe it's just me.

    I still think about doing calorie cycling and the like for metabolism issues, but I still have this fearful apprehension about it from before ... I have no doubt that it works, though. You gotta do something and there are only a few plateau options, I suppose. So try it, but be mindful of your response. Make it easier on your lower days by eating filling foods for your calories. Fiber, etc.