Giving up being a caterpillar

  • In reference to the quote that is in my signature, I have recently been thinking about ways that I live like a caterpillar, and what living like a butterfly would look like.

    Caterpillar: hit the couch upon arriving back at home in the evening, and not moving from there except to fetch food.
    Butterfly: putter around the house doing bits of chores AFTER having hit the gym on the way home from work.

    Caterpillar: let food just "happen", no planning ahead and no recording.
    Butterfly: always has a plan A and plan B, and is fully conscious of their food/eating decisions.

    Caterpillar: refuses to measure or count, just eats when and how much they want.
    Butterfly: measures and counts, and is conscious of when they need fuel.

    Caterpillar: lets life itself just "happen" to them.
    Butterfly: accepts responsibility and takes an active role in their life.

    Caterpillar: uses food for EVERYTHING--entertainment, relaxation, friendship, love, anger management, comfort, celebration...
    Butterfly: uses food for fuel. Period.

    Catterpillar: lets other people determine how they feel and how they cope with their lives.
    Butterfly: manages their emotions and retains their autonomy over their lives.

    What about you? What's your 'catterpillar' action, and what's the 'butterfly' alternative?
  • Caterpillar: Passes up opportunities out of fear and a lack of self-esteem.
    Butterfly: Feels confident enough to seize any opportunities that come her way and take risks.

    Caterpillar: Lets her mind talk her out of working out.
    Butterfly: Overrides inner voice that tries to bring her down and just gets it done!
  • Caterpillar: but I want that food now, I'll do better tomorrow
    Butterfly: every morsel counts ... yesterday, today and tomorrow

    Caterpillar: I'm too tired to exercise
    Butterfly: ten minutes on the elliptical doesn't hurt a thing!
  • I like the idea of this, but lol I'm totally afraid of butterflies! (like the actual insect! )
  • Awww, Lizzy, I love butterflies! My avatar is actually my own stylizing of Picasso's butterfly sketch, that I'm going to get as a tattoo at some point after I reach goal. I really think of myself metamorphosing into a butterfly. I love the idea that caterpillars go through **** to become something beautiful, and I have the proverb, "just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, she became a butterfly" on a mug, a magnet, a journal, AND a necklace!

    Maybe you can just think of it as a PICTURE of a butterfly, right? One with fluffy wings and pretty colors?
  • When you think about it, Tinkerbell is kinda like... a butterfly!

    Caterpillar: That yard work can wait--I deserve a rest.
    Butterfly: I can just do a little bit for now, and get to the rest another time.

    Caterpillar: What do you expect of me? I'm just a tube that eats.
    Butterfly: All I do is fly around burning calories! And sipping a little nectar now and then.

  • Caterpillar: I am content with the world I see around me. Who I am, how I look, and how I live my life.
    Butterfly: I want to be the best I can be, to explore the world, seize the day, and enjoy life to the fullest.
  • Caterpillar: Needs constant reassurance.
    Butterfly: Is self assured.
  • Quote: When you think about it, Tinkerbell is kinda like... a butterfly!
    I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that!

    I hate to clean and do things around the house, so I'm going to try and use this to motivate me to be better around the house.

    Caterpillar - cleaning up the bedroom floor so my husband can vacuum

    Butterfly - cleaning up the bedroom floor and vacuuming it myself.

    C - just cleaning the sink today in the bathroom

    b - cleaning the whole bathroom so it looks nice
  • Quote: Caterpillar: What do you expect of me? I'm just a tube that eats.
    Butterfly: All I do is fly around burning calories! And sipping a little nectar now and then.
    Way to rock the metaphor Jayell!
  • Have you ever read the children's book by Eric Carle by the name of , "The Very Hungary Caterpillar" ? Both of my sons adored it when they were young. I still remember this page:

    On Saturday he ate thorough one piece of chocolate cake, one ice cream cone, one pickle, one slice of Swiss cheese, one slice of salami, one lollipop, one piece of cherry pie, one sausage, one cupcake and one slice of watermelon. That night he had a stomachache! many of us will feel like the Very Hungary Caterpillar tonight? After many months of reading here, confession Monday will tell the tale.
  • Quote:
    On Saturday he ate thorough one piece of chocolate cake, one ice cream cone, one pickle, one slice of Swiss cheese, one slice of salami, one lollipop, one piece of cherry pie, one sausage, one cupcake and one slice of watermelon. That night he had a stomachache!
    Wow. What a memory you just brought up for me. My kids (And I) loved that book as they were growing up. And I do remember that page in particular. I remember trying to read it in one long breath to emphasize just how much food it was. Yet there was many a Saturday I ate a similar menu and even remember THINKING that as I was reading it. Oooooh, strange memory.