Scared to Maintain

  • Hi everyone!

    I hope I don't get too much scolding for this post. The last few weeks/month I lost the "last 5" by dropping my calories much too low. Averaging around 900-1000 a day. I know this was not the way to go about my weight loss as I want to focus on health as much as (or more than) weight.

    I've had a history of obsessing over food/calories. I want to up my calories to at least 1200 a day but am absolutely terrified that I'll gain weight back since I was low for such an extended time.

    I've been exercising about 30/40 minutes a day (mostly cardio with some strength training added in slowly).

    I guess I just want some reassurance that it's impossible to gain on 1200 a day. It is right?

    Thanks for listening to my ramblings! I don't have anyone else I can talk about this with.

  • Hmm... As you know that less than 1200 wasn't a great idea, I won't scold. I will say I'm glad you are working on moving back up. I wouldn't imagine that you would gain on 1200 calories, but you never know. I am most certainly not an expert by any means. You have been pretty low for a while - when you first move your calories up you might see an increase as your body gets used to the extra, maybe? Or, maybe not. How long have you been eating 900-1000 per day?
  • Avamarie,

    No scolding -- you are not a child! Sounds like you are worried you are going to make a false move and gain all that weight back. Probably not going to happen if you make a few mistakes along the way. Maintaining is so much harder than losing the weight -- at least it has been for me. With losing weight, the objective is so clear.

    As long as you are watching yourself on your scale and what you put into your mouth, it's okay to do a little experimenting with upping your calories. Give yourself about four pounds for going either way. Ease up on yourself. Maybe experiment with your exercise and try some other machines at the gym or other activities. As of late, I have had to watch that I don't overdo it with exercise because of how much softball I play. Since I haven't drank in a year, I have none of the empty calories to burn running for balls and around bases. Upping my calories has been tricky. It is totally a day to day process, and if I screw up one day or week, I can easily get back in control.
  • Quote: Sounds like you are worried you are going to make a false move and gain all that weight back. Probably not going to happen if you make a few mistakes along the way. Maintaining is so much harder than losing the weight -- at least it has been for me. With losing weight, the objective is so clear.
    Exactly! No one congratulates you on maintaining a weight loss like they do with losing weight! It's hard to transition from considering a loss as good to considering "the same" as good.

    Thanks for putting what I'm feeling in better words than I could!