Hello from Ohio

  • Hi My names Melissa and I am 24 (going on 25 in 3 weeks) I am from cleveland ohio and can stand to lose at least 30 pounds. Diabetes runs in my family and it terrifies me that being as overweight as I am for my height that I could one day become diabetic. I feel like my excess weight makes me increasingly tired sluggish insecure and depressed. I have a lot going on in my life personally, and its pretty much rock bottom for me. I think that if I focus my attention on something that can be a positive for me, like losing weight and becoming healthier it will lead me to becoming happier and healthier and it would help me feel like ya know from here things can only go up...right? I hope to find comfort and friends here
  • Hi and welcome!

    You can find comfort and friends here! Read, post, make yourself at home. We're glad you're here.
  • hi! im new too, and yes, I am here for the same reason as you. Diabetes also runs in my family, and i am trying to stay away from it. I've read other peoples stories, and I feel welcomed here. Hopefully you and I can keep motivated and change our lifestyles for the best.
  • Welcome!

    Diabetes runs in my family as well, also I have Factor V Leiden Thrombophilia, which puts me at a higher risk for a dangerous blood clot. For those reasons, I'm making the change and putting my health first for once!
  • welcome.. I'm "new" too... used to post all the time then fell away for a while but I'm back ready for a change... health problems are making me realize I need to make some changes myself... Good luck and there are GREAT people on here..
  • Hi Melissa - I'm new to the site and am in the Cleveland area too. I'll be 25 this summer and am determined to spend my 25 year on earth some serious pounds lighter. I need motivation and encouragement!