Whew! -totally OT ;)

  • I am totally exhausted.....this has nothing to do with weight loss, btw!

    I just haven't realized how busy I have been until I got the chance to finally sit down today to get online & try to figure out how to pick which post I can reply to in a short time. Gosh there are so many chickies out there that I want to with here after reading the posts Y'all girls seriously rock it!

    Many of y'all don't know much about me but recently I had decided to stop working my business so much (working at home has it's disadvantages...like me not knowing when to stop lol) and dedicate more time to my kids & other activities that I have been wanting to do like taking the time to brush up on my wildlife photography. Seems I'd be less busy but I'm not Just less stressed out! My decision has made me so happy & my kids seem to love it Plus I've been able to take more orphaned animals in this spring than what I normally do (I do wildlife rehabilitation) lol

    I felt like I needed to tell someone.....if it weren't for the additional support & daily accomplishments/trials I see here I wouldn't have known I could do it and feel so satisfied with the way things are going

    oh yeah....here is one of my fav & most recent pictures. (a little background...I'm one of the only rehabilitators in LA and FL that will take in adult injured alligators. Don't worry he's kept at an alligator farm close by my home!)
  • Tanee, congratulations on changing your life around and making time for more enjoyable activities. And, I'd like to thank you for helping the orphaned animals. That is a cause that is near and dear to my heart.

    I also work from home and can become quite the work-a-holic. I need to take a page from your book and re-align my priorities.
  • That sounds great! Good for you, finding ways to de-stress and increase happiness.
  • Aww.....you rehabilitate animals? Thats wonderful! You sound like my kind of person! I love animals and try to help them every chance I get. I wish you lived closer, we could be buds!
  • aaaaaaack be careful!!!!!!!! there's a gator behind you!!!!! hehehe

    that's wicked !
  • You are livin the dream girl!!!! I just want to hug that alligator. I know. Bad idea. But I LOVE gator's!!!