New from Idaho!

  • Hi there

    I think I was a member a long time ago, but I'm not sure. lol

    My name is Katie, I'm 28 years old and a single mom to two girls, Dani(4) and Rylee(6). I am an in-home daycare provider and have 5 daycare babies.

    I am SO sick of starting a diet just to turn back to my old ways, when something goes wrong in my life. I have to lose about 100lbs to be where I was back in my early teens.

    I have done so many diets and they all have worked, BUT I resort back and get lazy and sad and don't care and then I have an "Ah-hah" moment and realize I HAVE to do this for me and my kids, I just don't know how to do it.

    I've been trying alone, with no support. Except for people telling me "you look fine the way you are"...*sigh*

    My heaviest weight was 243lbs and I am somewhere around 239lbs now(haven't weighed myself today) and I am 5'1-5'2. I don't feel or think I look fine the way I am.

    So, yeah.. enough ramble lol I am planning to start tomorrow. I have cut out a lot of sugar and white flour from my diet, but nothing has really changed yet.

    Look forward to chatting with you all!

  • Welcome've come to the right place! Everyone here is very supportive and always willing to lend and ear.
    You've taken the first step and that's always the hardest no matter how many times you do it!!
  • Welcome to 3FC!!! We have subforums based on age, eating plan, exercise and more. Surf around and settle in!

    Check out the 20 something forum and the 100 lb Club for lots of good support. You can do this!