
  • Hi All

    My name is "sox" hehehe - real name Lynz but trying out this alias for fun! Im 19 years old (20 next week ahhhh) and scared at being so over weight, decided to go into my 20s with the right frame of mind and so shall spend my last few days as a teenager chocolate-less, sweet-less and fizzy drinks-less

    I have tried "dieting" before but fail after about 3 or 4 days and think I need a little more incentive to keep me going so hope that by meeting some new people you can help me and vice versa!

    Look forward to getting to know you all.
  • Well Sox...Welcome!! I see you've already made some good changes.
    I'm sure you can do it...and it's great you're starting now while you're still young!
  • Welcome to 3FC!!! We have subforums based on age, eating plan, exercise and more. Surf around and settle in!

    Be sure to check out the 20 something forum and the UK forum!