W.O.W. Declaration of THINdependance Challenge ~ Week 2!!

  • Week 2 already!!

    Welcome to the WOW July 4th Challenge! This challenge is 12 weeks long (technically 11 weeks/5 days ) and will run through 7/4.

    For any newbies, the traditional copy and paste:

    Women on... WHAT??

    Okay, let me explain that "Women on WEED" is not what you might be thinking. During previous challenges, a group of us formed a great bond, and we've been challenge buddies ever since. We use the word "WEED" as a mnemonic device to set daily goals, an easy and very specific way to remind yourself during your day to take care of your body, and to nurture your Mind, Mouth and Muscles... it really does help. After all, we are all taking this a day at a time, right?

    If you join this challenge, you will see it often - and you are encouraged to give it a try. Here's what it stands for:

    W - Water intake. Set a daily goal for how much water you're going to drink. Although there is conflicting research as to how much to actually consume in a day, we all agree it is important to drink lots to stay healthy. So make it a goal!

    E - Exercise. Efficient, healthy weight loss isn't going to happen unless you incorporate some kind of physical activity in your life. Everyone does it differently; some go to the gym, some work out at home, and some find ways to sneak in little bits of exercise all throughout the day. Set yourself a goal, even if it's small. Little bits done often WILL add up over time!

    E - Eats. Being that we all have different eating plans and weight loss philosophies, this is sort of a wild card. Whatever plan you're on, set yourself a plan-appropriate daily eating goal for the day. Don't forget to make it specific!

    D - Daily goal/Daily affirmation. This is another wild card. It doesn't even have to be weight-loss related! This is the spot where you list something you want to get accomplished. Or, you can use "D" for a a daily affirmation - it's an opportunity to say something good and positive about yourself. Sometimes, when we fall short - and we ALL do sometime - we are tempted to berate ourselves. Although it's good to recognize when we don't reach our goals, it's also good to remind ourselves of the awesome parts of ourselves. So go ahead and remind yourself of that in the "D" part of WEED.

    Well here it is! Jump right in, tell us about yourselves, your goals, your home lives, your healthy plan, etc. We LOVE newbies! And we LOVE our regulars! Welcome back!
  • Hey to all, has been a hectic 10 days. Got lots of sun and brought home a ton of sea urchins, which I am now cleaning for the shells.

    I don't think I did alot of damage over vacation. Was trying to come back one under when I left, may do that when all the water comes off. I came back ballooned up from the ride, no bones at all in my ankles wrists or fingers to look at me, rounded right up. Scale was 148 when I left and 152.4 this am, so, either way, focus should get me back there.

    I went and collected my dogs from the vet this am, they had boarded there. None the worse for the wear, Maggie, my old lady doesn't eat much there, so she lost a few pounds, but she is overweight, so the spa week helps her. Cale apparently thought I was never coming back, he has puked 3 times on 3 separate carpets since he got home. Just drinking too much and too fast, but would be nice if he'd stick to one spot....

    I have to go back to work tomorrow, getting back to the grind and believe me, I know how lucky I am to have a job. I have to get to the cell phone store too, YS phone quit working last night, only a few months old, but what a PIA.

    Hope everyone is well!!

    W 100, just made some fresh herbal iced tea.
    E Ew, lots of cleaning today and a round on the elliptical.
    E Back to Low Carb, I know it works for me.
    D Fly lady here I come, my house is a mess.
  • http://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/show...88#post2705788

    Great minds think alike, Nixmom started new thread too, ignore this one and I'll see you all there