Fabulous Forties#26

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  • Hi!
    Check out my message for Monday evening on the old thread, it went to page two, and then...
    just a quick start to a new thread....let's drink our water and journal!


    [This message has been edited by Jenny523 (edited 10-24-2000).]
  • Jen,

    Regarding yoga, what I've been doing is watching a show on The Health Network called Yoga Zone. They are really good and geared to the beginner. It is a mixture of the various styles of yoga. They also put out hour long tapes. You can get them at www.yogazone.com.

    I also have been taking yoga at my gym, something I would recommend highly. It is far superior to any tape, show or yoga book (previously I've done those three only). But if there is no class available in your area, try Yoga Zone. Also Lillias has some good tapes. She used to have a show on public TV.

    I hope this helps,

  • I was thinking about going back to the gym but only if they have 4:30 aerobic classes. I get out of work at 4:00 so when they useto have 4:30 classes it worked out for me but for some reason they stopped them. I know they have Yoga classes but late. Sometime this weekend I'm going to stop by there to see what they're offering. They'll probably get me to join. They have that way about them I'm easy to convince when it comes to diets, exercise tapes & equipment. When will I learn(sigh).

    Guys, I have to confess something cause if I don't, I'll feel like I'm keeping something from you. It's weird but even tho we really don't know eachother I sort of still feel close to all of you. Anyway, ready? I ordered Somersize. YIKES!!!! I told you I'm easy to convince. I was watching the infomercial & it was offering a trial period
    for 2 weeks only $9.95 you get the whole kit & if you decide you don't want it you could send it back & get your refund. I'm just very curious because I've heard people say that their cholesterol has come down dramatically with this & that they stopped taking medication. If I like it I will still do WW just with Susan's combination of foods. We'll see I won't be getting it for at least 4-5 weeks.

    I really love the points system but I need some kind of a boost. I feel like I'm betraying WW I always come back to WW. I guess I'm desperate.

    Let me get ready for work. I'll check in later.

    Have a great day

    [This message has been edited by livingfit426 (edited 10-24-2000).]
  • Myra, thanks for the ideas. Our cable doesn't offer the Health Network, so that's not an option for me. I do remember Lilias shows being on pbs for years. I am going back to the library today, and have decided that I will check out their yoga videos. I did go to the yogazone website..interesting. If I decide to purchase videos, I'll know where to go. I definitely need to have a variety of choices so I don't become bored with exercising.

    Essie, I'm not familiar with the Somersize thing. What is it? If it's able to be used along w/WW, that's great. Good luck with it.

    Terri, still basking in the glow of your jog? LOL I'm actually jealous....I'm not really "into" walking, just do it cause I know I should. To jog is totally foreign to me!

    Dianne, where are you? How's it going? Even if it's not......stop in and say hi!

    Tina, same for you! We all have to work hard at focusing on this lifestyle; we need each other's input!

    Janie, did you go through your leader training? Let us know how it was?

    Here's to our water!

    [This message has been edited by Jenny523 (edited 10-24-2000).]
  • I know how you feel Essie. I feel close to y'all too. It feels comfortable here. I saw Susanne on some talk shows. If it'll get you started (New things are so exciting) I say go for it. It sounded healthy. You can probably incorporate it into WW somehow. Don't feel guilty. I won't send the WW police to your house. Good luck!

    Jen- I never in a million yrs. thought I would like to run. NEVER!!! It was so much fun. I didn't have that burning sensation I used to get and I felt strong. It was like a different person was running for me. That is what happens when it takes so long for me to try something new. I shock myself.

    Here is a special wish from me!

    I WISH YOU . . .

    Happiness............... Deep down within
    Serenity...................With each sunrise
    Success....................In each facet of your life
    Friends....................Close and caring
    Love........................That never ends
    Knowledge...............Of the grace and love of God.
    Special memories......Of all the yesterdays
    A bright today...........With much to be thankful for
    A path.......................That leads to beautiful tomorrows
    Dreams......................That do their best to come true
    And appreciation........Of all the wonderful things about you!



    [This message has been edited by points (edited 10-24-2000).]
  • I WISH YOU . . .

    Happiness............... Deep down within
    Serenity...................With each sunrise
    Success....................In each facet of your life
    Friends....................Close and caring
    Love........................That never ends
    Knowledge...............Of the grace and love of God.
    Special memories......Of all the yesterdays
    A bright today...........With much to be thankful for
    A path.......................That leads to beautiful tomorrows
    Dreams......................That do their best to come true
    And appreciation........Of all the wonderful things about you!



  • Terri,
    What a beautiful wish you gave us! Thank you so very much.

    You made our day!


  • I couldn't have met a nicer bunch

    Terri, so thoughtful, so caring. Thanks, it's beautiful. I wish that for you too. And thanks for not sending the WW police! LOL
    I meant to ask you about the next day after you ran, didn't your legs hurt? When I was going to the track at the High School I uesto run 1 walk 1 but I remember the first time my legs were sore & cramped. Each time it got easier. Piece of cake.

    Jen, let me know if you come across any good tapes.

    Hope to hear from the rest of our group soon.

    Goodnight all,
  • Sorry about the double post all!
    You are welcome. I just love this thread.

    Yes, my legs hurt a little and so did my butt. That just seems wierd. I feel like I have been riding a bike for hours.
    I ran today, about 1.5 mile this time. I started too late and had to go to 2 meetings. I am going to become a mid-morning runner. I hope it becomes habit.
    I hope you all have a great Wednesday (HUMP DAY).
  • Hi all! Just got back from my Wacky Wednesday 6 AM exercise class. This morning it was double step, kickboxing and weights. She even used weights for the ab work. Boy do my muscles ache, especially my shoulders. It is a great way to start the day.

    Essie, don't worry about being a WW traitor. Go for whatever is best for you. It it works then it is worth it. It doesn't seem like anything dangerous (I would advise you against something like herbal quick fixes or crash diets that could damage your health) and you probably can combine it with WW. The key is to find what works for you.

    Terri, I'm proud of you, our budding track star. You are just going to be leaving those pounds roadside. WTG!

    I hope everyone is having a good day.

  • Hi everyone!

    Terri, I think it's great that you're taking off with the jogging. I've secretly been kind of jealous when joggers pass me on the path! Who knows, that may be what I'll try when some more of this weight comes off. At any rate....good for you

    Myra, you're up and moving early! I've never tried kick-boxing....there's lots of stuff that awaits me in the exercise world, obviously! I do like the weights, though, and have increased from using the 3.3 lb to 5 lb. It makes quite a bit of difference.

    I haven't gotten to the library yet to check out their yoga tapes. This has been a very busy week so far, and it's only Wed.

    Am driving into the city today to help decorate my niece's house for her annual Halloween party. She's held this huge bash every year for about 10 years; she's the most creative person I know, a teacher with lots of talent. This year she became extremely ill (cancer), yet is not giving in to it. To make a long story short, she is still holding her party, but needs some help. I am the LEAST creative person when it comes to artsy stuff, but, hey, I can hang stuff as good as the next person, so I volunteered. I'm looking forward to spending the day together.

    Have to run....must get in a workout before I start my day.

    Have a good one!
  • Jen,
    I am so sorry about your niece. What is her prognosis? I will pray for her. That is so sad and to keep having the party is so inspirational.
    Jogging was the last thing ever on my mind. I can't believe I did it on a whim(?spell). Nothing planned, I guess that is when we discover lots of things. Thanks for your comments.

    You are doing fantastic. I don't know how you do it. Get up early and exercise like that in a gym. That is dedication. Great job sweetie!

    Have a great Hump Day everyone!
  • Hi guys;

    Jen - It's not going -- but I'm stopping in to say hi like you suggested. Hi. Congratulations on your loss, that's so great. I'm happy for you. Sorry to hear about your niece, but she sounds like a strong person who isn't going to let this bring her down. Enjoy your time with her.

    Terri - Green Mountain sounds so great, I wouldn't even have to jog while there. I think I would just have to sit down and take in all the beauty around me. Sounds like heaven. Congrats on the jogging.

    Essie -- If sommersizing helps, do it. Whatever works. Nothing wrong with that and Terri said she won't send the ww police to your house, so you have nothing to fear, LOL.

    Hope everyone else is doing well. I'm doing absolutely nothing. Not counting my points, certainly not journaling, not exercising and hardly drinking my water. I'm kind of in a rut, but hoping I'll get some motivation soon. I seem to be sabotaging myself and I don't even know why. But, anyway, I wanted to stop by and say hi and congratulate all of you on your hard work. Oh, and Terri your wishes for us was really sweet - I wish you the same.

    I'll stop in again soon - have a great week everyone.

  • Hello


    Dianne, I've been there many times but eventually I get back to it & that's why I've maintained for so long. You'll hear the click(like they say) Hang in there.

    Jen, you're niece has hope & that's what gives her the strength. God bless her. The party sounds like fun

    Terri, by jogging/running you are going to lose weight like you wouldn't believe. I was so toned when I was walking/jogging. You are motivating me Girlfriend

    Well, I could sit here & keep typing away but gotta get ready for work. Today it's suppose to be a really nice day, in the 70's. Maybe I'll walk this evening.

    Have a great OP day.
  • Dianne,
    Green Mountain is beautiful! We have Rainbow Mountain too and it looks like one right now. Thank you for your kind words.
    Stick with us and we'll help to motivate you. We all go through this. This gets old and we are only human (Who likes to eat)You'll be back! I know It! Good luck!

    Sounds like a perfect day to walk. You Go!!!!! I love the rush I get when I stop my exercise (whatever it is). It feels so good. We are all here for each other!
    LET'S DO IT!!!!!!
    Have a great everyone!