Is it enough of a goal to just manintain my weight over Easter?

  • So, whenever there is a holiday and candy, it is nearly impossible for me to totally stay way from candy. This year, I am trying to listen to my body and stop when I have had too much. In the past even if I felt uncomofortable I just seemed to keep eating the sugar to the point of feeling gross. Today I had some m&m's from my daughter's Easter basket and a few other pieces of candy and I still feel ok, not stuffed and nasty but full, full enough that the idea of more candy does not sound good. I am trying to remember that I feel best when I eat well.

    So do you think it is enough to just try and not gain any weight and let myself have some of the forbidden candy?
  • If that's what you want to do, go for it! You can't tell yourself you'll never eat candy again. This is a life change NOT a diet. Just eat it in moderation and make sure you listen to yourself!
  • That's what I will do. I will be eating light Saturday and Sunday to leave room (calorie wise) for lots of candy--namely ROBIN EGGS.
  • Absolutely! My goal isn't to lose weight over Easter weekend - talk about no fun at all! If I maintain, I'm more than happy!

    My favourites are Peeps, and Reese's eggs.
  • You have to enjoy some candy/chocolate/guilty pleasure sometime and much better to do it in a controlled way then to just go nuts and keep eating.

    I still have not learned how to eat a little bit of junk food. Stomach pains, feeling full ... I just keep going.

    So maybe think of it as something you'll need to get adjusted to and how great we have a holiday weekend for you to practice!
  • It's absolutely OK. Your diet is not a matter of national security .

    Well, I should clarify, because I think for some, indulging a little may send them off track. You have to know yourself in that regard. But, I don't think it's a matter "should."
  • I'm not expecting to lose this next week. I'm staying really close on my food this week, though, in preparation. I'm going to stay away from candy because I can't stop once I get started, but I cannot lie--I've been thinking about mom's ham and potatoes & gravy for days now and I really am looking forward to it! But the sodium--eeeeeeeeeek. It's not gonna be pretty!
  • I love candy, but I know it is not good for my heath and when I eat too much, I will feel guilty.
  • Maintaining over any holiday is cause for celebration!!!
  • In a lifetime of eating healthy, one day of is a blip. Enjoy yourself!
  • I say that is a perfectly acceptable goal. If you wanting a little candy to get over your cravings - do it! If you don't, you will be constantly thinking about it. I'm not saying eat every chocolate in sight. But a nibble here and there, it will be enough to satisfy your craving PLUS enjoy yourself on the holidays. Which I think you are doing well - you already said you had a handful of this and a couple of that and stopped when you notice you were satisfied! GOOD JOB! and enjoy the Easter Holidays
  • I have to completely refrain from eating any kind of candy or baked goods. For me its not about the sweet item itself but about eating so much of it that I go into a daze and get numb.I know if I start it I won't stop. So for now I don't have the sweets at all. maybe when i get to where i want to go I'll be able to incorporated back in, maybe not. We'll see!

    90lbs gone 30 to go