Hi Everyone :)

  • I've been stalking this site for a couple of weeks now, and wanted to make things official with a quick hello I've been putting on weight pretty much since the day I got married (about 3 years ago), and finally got a wake up call in the form of some pictures of myself from a family outing. My sister even told me that she had cropped one of the pictures because my gut was just too unruly (not her words, but still!!) and she didn't think I would like it. I hated the pictures I DID see in full, I can only imagine the horrors of what was left out.

    Anyhoo, this site has already given me a tremendous amount of motivation, and I hope and pray that I can see this wee struggle through to a better me.
  • Hello and welcome!

    I am new here as well... just signed up today also!

    I have to say that I had the same wake up call. Looked at a few pictures of me from 4 years ago and realized I needed to do something!

    Anyhow nice to meet ya!
  • Hi
    I'm new too. Just signed up on Friday. I know all about those pictures you are talking about. I have avoided being photographed for years. I've been at this new diet/exercise program for a couple of months now and am seeing results you just have to get out there and do it for you....no one else.
  • Welcome all 3 of you! I hope you find the great support here that I have!

    I just got married and I hate about all of the photos of me... but yeah, I didn't get with the program before so now I have no one to blame but myself. I *can* tell you however, my 1st anniversary photos are going to be smokin' hot!!

    Let's do this!
  • Pictures really are a blessing and curse all at the same time. It is never fun seeing the proof of your gain right in front of you, but without it, it's too easy to live in denial. I was looking at some old photos from better times last night, and I have my goal in sight now

    Thank you for the welcome, and best of luck to us all!
  • Welcome! I'm new too and I can say that I joined with pretty much the same wake up call. I hate pretty much all pictures of myself and recently hit the 197 mark, so I figured it was time to do something. A friend told me about this site and it looks pretty supportive and funny/motivational at the same time.
  • Hi and welcome!

    I've heard too many weight losers wish they had a picture from before. So hang on to those. Some day you'll be glad to have them.

    Are you finding your way around the boards? Remember that we are here for you.
  • Welcome to 3FC! Surf around and settle in! We have subforums based on age, eating plan, exercise & more! I'm glad you're here!