Question about Intuitive Eating?

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  • Hi!

    I've read the Intuitive Eating book by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch and had a question for those who might have read it...

    It says that oen of the physical effects of dieting is that when you start eating normally again, your body tends to store a lot of it very rapidly as fat.
    My doctor/nutritionist has said that in my case, my 'normalised' eating pattern has resulted in rapid weight gain due to water - not fat. I'm now really confused on what is really going on.

    Any thoughts?

  • What kind of time frame and pounds are you talking about? Anything over a course of days is just water. If it's over weeks, it's more likely to be actual gain. It also depends how you were dieting. If you were very low carb, just introducing carbs will cause water gain.
  • It's about a pound a day, increasing. I'd been restricting to less than 1000 (about half of that) in calories, but now trying to keep it up at 1000.
  • I would think they are referring to the fact that with EXTREME dieting..the body loses MUSCLE..and when you go off of diet restriction, resume eating more calories..your body is more likely to add FAT, coupled with the muscle loss which drops the rate of calories that are able to be burned.

    I lost ALL of my weight with IE. I have been STUCK since Aug. of 07?? I go up and down the same five pounds. I feel truely hungry every I am at a loss to what to do really. Exercise more is my answer I think??
  • Yes I think you may be right I've been on a pretty extreme diet for a while now, because I am terrified of trying to eat more, because of the rapid weight gain that doesn't seem to stop! Any suggestions on how to get out of this cycle?
  • How long have you been on this extreme diet and how much weight did you lose?

    I have to agree with Skinny that after being on such a restrictive diet and going back to eating normally your body is more likely to hold on to the fat and your metabolism may have been affect. There was a thread about this somewhere in this forum.
  • I sometimes had a few weeks without losing. I never considered the 1-3 pounds I might fluctuate during that time as gains, but I'm starting to realize that is what some people are doing when they post here in a panic. So I'm just saying sometimes it takes a few weeks to start losing again, and a little fluctuation is not a gain and nothing to panic over.
  • A couple of suggestions for you is to really learn to lishen to your body..try to learn TRUE hunger signs and then eat good, whole, nutrional foods. Couple that with strength training and up your PROTEIN...I love Designer Whey protein powder mixed with low-fat ORGANIC milk. If you have the calorie side covered with only eating when your body NEEDS fuel..then you add in strength training w/added protein you will hopefully stop any more muscle loss and should GAIN muscle..thus helping your metabolism BURN more FAT.

    Let me know if you have any more specific questions..I am more than happy to try and help...I have been at this since June of 04.
  • Quote: Hi!

    I've read the Intuitive Eating book by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch and had a question for those who might have read it...

    It says that oen of the physical effects of dieting is that when you start eating normally again, your body tends to store a lot of it very rapidly as fat.
    My doctor/nutritionist has said that in my case, my 'normalised' eating pattern has resulted in rapid weight gain due to water - not fat. I'm now really confused on what is really going on.
    Well for me, there was no going back to "normal". My "normal" was to eat and eat and eat, which led me to be morbidly obese. When I decided to lose the weight, I had to change what my "normal" was. I'm still eating the same way now having lost the weight (maintenance) as when I was LOSING the weight. There is no difference for me.
  • What I mean by normal is the calorie range for my weight and height, for weight loss. Roughly 1000 ish a day. I had been on much less for a while, a month and a bit on and off, lost about 10 lbs rapidly....
  • Quote: What I mean by normal is the calorie range for my weight and height, for weight loss. Roughly 1000 ish a day. I had been on much less for a while, a month and a bit on and off, lost about 10 lbs rapidly....
    I'm not quite sure what you mean. Do you mean that you were eating less than 1000 calories and now you are going back to your "normal" calorie allotment - 1000 calories?

    Hard to answer your question since I'm not exactly sure what you're asking/saying. I apologize, but I'm just not getting what you're trying to get across.
  • Quote: I'm not quite sure what you mean. Do you mean that you were eating less than 1000 calories and now you are going back to your "normal" calorie allotment - 1000 calories?

    Hard to answer your question since I'm not exactly sure what you're asking/saying. I apologize, but I'm just not getting what you're trying to get across.

    Yes, that's what I mean sorry!
    I was eating less than 1000 and now I've gone back to 1000.
  • Again, I apologize, because now I think I get what you mean, but I don't know much how to advise you as I really don't know anyone who's tried to lose weight in the manner that you have.

    I think you will find majority of us here are looking for longterm, permanent weight loss - not necessarily rapid weight loss. We'd rather it take a little longer to come off - and then not come back .

    From what it sounds like to me, that's not the case with you. Eating less then 1000 calories is not sustainable for any length of time and then eating just 1000 calories is also not something that anyone can do for any length of time. So therefore more then likely, it doesn't provide you with much weight loss at all in the end if you can't keep it up. If you can't keep continuing it - well then - you gain it back. Not so rapid afterall. Again, most of us here are looking for longterm solutions, not quick fixes. We eat healthy foods in healthy portions (calorie allotments). We can do if for months and years on end, thus allowing us to lose the weight - and keep it off.

    I hope you find some answers. All the best.
  • Quote: Again, I apologize, because now I think I get what you mean, but I don't know much how to advise you as I really don't know anyone who's tried to lose weight in the manner that you have.

    I think you will find majority of us here are looking for longterm, permanent weight loss - not necessarily rapid weight loss. We'd rather it take a little longer to come off - and then not come back .

    From what it sounds like to me, that's not the case with you. Eating less then 1000 calories is not sustainable for any length of time and then eating just 1000 calories is also not something that anyone can do for any length of time. So therefore more then likely, it doesn't provide you with much weight loss at all in the end if you can't keep it up. If you can't keep continuing it - well then - you gain it back. Not so rapid afterall. Again, most of us here are looking for longterm solutions, not quick fixes. We eat healthy foods in healthy portions (calorie allotments). We can do if for months and years on end, thus allowing us to lose the weight - and keep it off.

    I hope you find some answers. All the best.

    Thanks for your reply, I feel really embarassed now for posting what I did. I guess I really need to do something about this, I just don't know how... Any suggestions on how to ease back into healthy eating? I've no clue where to start, having been on such a restricted eating pattern for some time. Thanks.
  • You have nothing at all to be embarassed about. Most of us here did not get it "right" the first time or the tenth time or whatever time. It takes TIME to figure out what works and what - doesn't. Use this past weight loss attempt as a learning experience - and learn from it.

    As for suggestions on healthy eating. I've got lots of them, as does many of the smart folks around here, but I am literally headed out the door in about a minute. I'll pop back in later (much). In the meantime, check out the various forums here.

    Hang tight. There IS a solution. Weight loss, permanent and healthy - IS a doable thing.

    See ya later. Have a good day.