Recipe: Brownie Muffins (healthy!)

  • Ingredients:

    3 cups of All Bran (the long skinny pieces)
    2.5 cups of warm water

    Mix together and let sit for 3-5 minutes..til the water is absorbed by the Bran.

    Add 1 package of Betty Crocker low fat Fudge brownie mixture and one egg..( i think I read online egg is optional). You may also want to add a little extra water.

    Spoon into muffin liners and bake at 325. I think they bake for about 15 mins..I usually just keep a close eye on them and keep checking them!

    They are 1pt each in Weight Watchers! Enjoy!!!

    (My 1st attempt I had used the flakes of bran...a no no..and had used 3 cups of water..they were disgusting!)

  • How many do they make to get one point each?
  • they make friend and i went over and over the math lol..but the recipes online said 1 pt as well.
  • Sounds really yummy!! I'm definitely going to have to try these, brownies are my favorite!
  • yes they're really good..just make sure you let them cool completely because i was anxious and they stuck a little to the paper

    They're not too sweet but i had seen online that someone had put 3 chocolate chips on the top of each one just to make it a little more