Having a fit!

  • I just went for my 3rd weigh in at WW...and I lost .4 pounds...i'm very not happy!

    I am late for my period...not pregnant...could this have something to do with it?

    And could my change in diet have something to do with my period being late?

  • Yes to all of the above. I always retain water before my period, and then for a few days afterward. It's annoying to lose two weeks of weight loss a month, but it's just the way my body works. Chances are yours is adjusting right now and you'll see a big loss next week. I know it's frustrating, but try not to lose hope!
  • Even if you're consistently on plan, some weeks you'll lose more, some weeks you'll lose less, and other weeks you may not lose at all. Overall, you'll have a downward trend, but it will not be a smooth line. The sooner you accept this reality, the less frustration you'll feel with your weight loss.
  • To be down at all just before your period is a huge victory! I would expect to be up at least a few pounds myself, even if I am perfectly on program.
  • Quote: To be down at all just before your period is a huge victory! I would expect to be up at least a few pounds myself, even if I am perfectly on program.
    Me too, I usually gain before my period. A loss of .4 in a pre-menstrual week would be a great success for me.
  • I know it's frustrating, but congrats on the loss!! You lost about 1/2 pound! As others have said, your period can contribute to water weight gain, but then, so can so many things!

    Let me assure you that if you continue to lose weight you will have weeks where you do everything right and either maintain or even GAIN weight. Our bodies are complex and weight loss is not linear.

    So, congrats on your loss and just keep plugging away!!