Awesome day!

  • So I dont know what it was, maybe just the awesome weather or the first day of spring. But i had an AWESOME day! I was confident and I could tell everyone was noticing. Either because of my vibe, or i looked good, or cause the awesome shirt i had on (even tho its a little snug) I felt like the sexiest person alive.. and get this i wasnt even wearing make-up?!! Anyone else had a great day too??

    Sorry i just thought id share
  • Awww, I love hearing that, must be the "springtime bounce" good for you, enjoy it! I had a pretty good day, it was pouring buckets here, but I managed to go for a big hike this morning, that always makes me happy
  • Thanks for sharing! Hearing about someone's good day can be like seeing someone in the store with a big grin --- it's contagious!

    Spring has sprung!
  • That's so weird! Here in England I too had the best day! The weather ws mild, the quality of the light somehow special, I negotiated a tough city centre in the car and found the car park, the market I went to was full of the kindest people, I walked with a spring in my step like one who is body-confident. It was great.
  • It was cold and even snowed a little here for the first day of spring, but I went to the gym and kicked butt! So I too, am feeling pretty darn good.
  • I had a fantastic day for the first day of spring!

    Got up early and went to work out with my gym buddy.
    Worked a half day (working other half tomorrow)
    It was payday!
    Stopped at Walmart for some necessities and saw, of all things, kites! So bought one.
    Went to Whole Foods and got some good deals on a couple of things, including the fixings for a delicious picnic lunch (hummus and raw veggies and some baked catfish from the prepared foods).
    Drove to the beach (Lake Erie) and ate my picnic lunch and flew my kite and walked barefoot on the beach until I was mostly frozen (it was only 35F)
    Stopped at Goodwill on the way home where I scored 3 pairs of size 16!!! dress pants.
    Finished off the evening by reading a great book with a cat on my lap.

    So nice to just do something silly and relaxing and have fun. I encourage everyone to go fly a kite!
  • Oh my gosh! I want a kite!
    Im glad you guys had an awesome day!