Popping in with a New Ticker (Preggers!)

  • I've got a new ticker because I'm Pregnant! This is also why I haven't been around in a while. You girls keep me too strict and I needed to truly move to P3!

    Anyway, other than telling the world my news, I also wanted some advice. I know there are girls here with "pregnancy on the beach" experience. I am almost thru the first trimester and so far I have been sticking to good SB friendly foods and adding in real sugar cautiously (ex a kashi cereal bar). So far, so good. Now, for the past couple weeks, I don't want vegetables. At all. They make me want to hurl. I am still eating as many as I can stomach, beans seem to be better. I am eating lots of fruit. So, for those of you with experience, how did you deal with the food adversions? Did you stick to plan or allow yourself to stray? With an appetite that seems to keep growing I am so afraid of getting out of control and loosing all of my healthy eating habits!

    Any advice is welcome. You girls are great!
  • Congratulations
  • CONGRATS!!! How exciting!
  • Congrats! Unfortunately I am not much help in your situation as I have no kiddos! But I bet Zeff may be able to give you a few pointers
  • Congratulations, Merryalta!
  • MerryAlta! I hope JessieW and Kiko will weigh in here...I'll PM them both.
  • Congrats... I would say if veggies make you feel sick then avoid them. Next week fruit may make you feel the same way.