Cardio Time Limits (rant)

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  • I love my gym. I really, really do. However, there's a strict 20 minute time limit on the cardio equipment when others are waiting, which is pretty much all the time. And, the worst part is, it's enforced! They have little gym people wandering around, seeing if you're at 19:30 and warning you that you only have 30 seconds left in your workout.

    Some people bring towels to drape over the display - the little gym boys kindly ask to peek under to see time remaining so that it's fair.

    Some people will slyly stop the timer and restart it so that they can get longer workouts in on one machine - I did this frequently up until yesterday. Yesterday, one of the gym boys came to me and said, "Hey, looks like you're having a great workout today! But, you know, we have a 20 minute time limit and why don't you give someone else a chance to use the equipment."

    So here's the thing: how are we supposed to lose weight when you can only workout for 20 minutes uninterrupted before waiting in line again for another machine?

    And, this is what I really wanted to say: "If fat people are required to buy two seats on an airplane, I think they should be allowed the equivalent cardio time for two people on the treadmill."
  • Hmmm.....any other gyms in the area?
  • My gym has a 30-minute limit, but it's only enforced if people have put their names on a chalk board in the middle of the cardio section. If no one's name is up there, it means no one is waiting for a machine, & you can stay on it as long as you want. So I plan my gym time around the quieter periods. But this is also what got me into rowing, because the rowing machines are always sitting empty while everyone's lined up for the Precor ellipticals and the treadmills.
  • Your gym is overpacked and they are trying to compensate for it by enforcing limits. I've never been to a gym that has had limits myself but I also tried to go at the less busy times (morning and after 8pm).
  • Sounds like they need to buy more machines.. That would suck! We dont have time limits on machines at my gym and it gets really busy at times. If I cant get on a machine I do someting elese until I can..
  • If I can be devil's advocate here...I have been one of those people waiting for a cardio machine, my time is limited to be in the gym and it's hard to have to waste it by waiting for someone who's hiding the display under a towel. Just my 2 cents. We all need to share! Sounds as if your gym is trying to at least control the problem, but I agree that they really do need to purchase more machines.
  • No I know, waiting sucks! I would be totally fine with a 30 minute limit. 20 minutes is barely a warm-up!

    The timing is the issue. Due to my work schedule and the location of the gym (really my only practical choice) I'm stuck going from 4-6pm when everyone else goes too. There are no gyms near to my house so I use the gym near my office, which is a 30 mile commute. And, since I start work at 6am I'm pretty limited to the afternoons!

    Argh, just wanted to rant. I know I'm being selfish
  • Both gyms I belong to have limits, but no one enforces them unless someone has signed up on the sign-in sheet for a specific treadmill.

    Here's a practical solution, try the Body For Life 20 minute HITT cardio workout. After 19 minutes you'll be begging to get off the treadmill. And I've found that it's super effective.
  • I agree, 20 minutes is a bit short. 30 minutes is better, you could warm up, do HIIT, cooldown and be off.

    Is it possible to go during lunch or extend your work day so you can go during lunch?
  • This is one of the reasons I started going to the gym at 8:30-8:45 pm. I know this doesn't work for everyone, but its a lot less crowded then. (We also have limits, but they put in some new machines and I haven't seen it full since.)
  • Quote: And, this is what I really wanted to say: "If fat people are required to buy two seats on an airplane, I think they should be allowed the equivalent cardio time for two people on the treadmill."
    LOL, cute
  • As dixied mentioned, I would give HIIT a try. I do HIIT for 20 minutes on the treadmeal and frankly I don't think I can go any longer because I am exhaused at the end of the 20 minutes. I then try to get on the stationary bike or eliptical to cool down by going at moderate pace for another 20 minutes.

    I know the waiting in middle of a workout can be a pain, but you can spend that time stretching or doing some plyometrics so that you're not just standing around.
  • i totally understand. it's sort of an impossible situation to resolve, i guess, other than trying a different gym. back when i used to belong to a gym there used to be 30 minute time limits for the machines. i liked to do a standard 4 mile run and this was never enough time for me. now i have a gym in the building where i live so there are no rules. though it's sorta win/lose there too. we only have 2 treadmills and i like to be on it for about 65-70 minutes. usually it's ok, but if there are other people around, i do feel sorta badly about hogging the machine. i would hate to come down to the gym to find that both treadmills were occupied for an hour.
  • hit the outdoors! i used to have this problem but now i can run whenever i feel like it
  • HIIT or going outdoors are very good ideas OR doing your alloted 20 minutes, preferably HIIT style, put your name on the list again, do your weight training then come back and do another 20 mins HIIT, you'll be pooped, GUARANTEED