I am proud of "Me" because...

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  • I am proud of me because I have been steadily loosing weight. I have stuck to my plan and it is working. I have been counting calories since Sept. 17, 2008 and I made a commitment to follow it through. I have lost 34 pounds.

    How about you?
  • Feels pretty good, doesn't it?

  • Keep up the good work
  • We started at almost exactly the same time and weight. I'm losing slowly but I'm proud of myself because I'm still working at it. I have NEVER maintained consistency this long. I've never kept trying to lose weight beyond 3 months before. It's an ADD thing. I lose interest easily and I'm impulsive- two traits which are NOT condusive to weight loss.

    I am proud of myself for overcoming my obstacles and stinkin' thinkin' which tells me that anything less than perfect effort is a waste of time. I can't do things perfectly (no matter how badly I want to) so I'm learning to accept that and do the things I can as well as I can. It's working. Slowly. But working nonetheless.
  • I am proud of me because I lost weight, kept it off, and got my health insurance premium reduced!

  • I am proud of me because I've been stalled for 2 weeks and I've stayed on track--I haven't let discouragement sway me from keeping my eye on the goal!

    I can't control what the scale says, but I can control my diet, exercise, and mental attitude. So yay for me!
  • I'm proud of me because for the first time ever, I feel really confident about being able to get healthy and lose weight this time. I feel more determined as well.
  • This is a nice thread.

    I'm proud of me because my sister visited me for 2 weeks and I actually lost a pound, even with extra snacks here and there and going to a few places that were "traditions." I made healthier choices, used some self control, and stayed mostly on plan!

  • I am proud that I have been able to maintain my weight loss, even though I haven't quite lost the last few!
  • I'm proud of me because I have made the choice to be done with quick fixes. I will lose this weight in a healthy, safe, sane way !
  • I am proud of me because I haven't freaked out at only losing 2 pounds my first week of trying to lose weight again. I am NOT happy about it, but it's not driving me into a tub of coffee ice cream.

    I am proud of my husband because he's been voluntarily being good with me and even exercising some... and I didn't have to nag him AT ALL!!!
  • Two pounds a week is great, why would you be freaked out?

    I'm proud of me because I had the menu pulled up online from Dominos, had an order all filled out, and instead of clicking "confirm order" I navigated away from the page to this forum. I'm going out in the kitchen to drink some water and make sure that my thirst wasn't masquerading as hunger. If I am honestly hungry, I will prepare something healthy and eat that, thereby saving money and calories. So there, Dominos!
  • ... and the husband again because...

    We went to a Mexican restaurant and didn't have ANY chips. We usually go through 3-4 bowls. We also were good and got black beans and only ate about half of our dinners of grilled fajitas.
  • I am proud of me for resisting the urge to eat more cheddar biscuits at red lobster lol
  • I am proud of me because I have changed my attitude and have gone from thinking "I can't" to "I certainly can"