finally, a job

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  • after all the heartache, pain, the unfortunate incarceration and rehab, bankrupt company, disability, surgery, no income, unemployment

    THEY MADE A REAL OFFER~!!!!! and it looks as if i have a job. a real one. no freelance.

    and a huge raise over the last job on top of it all!!!

    and in large part, the support and prayers of all the wonderful folks on this board have helped make it all happen.

    thank you all...

    and now, it's time to GO SHOPPING!!!! peachie IS right, as much as i don't really want to admit it. i DO need some new clothes. just a couple of things that actually fit.

    and new shoes.

    and new bras

    and start shopping for a new watch. yes ladies. that will be my reward for losing 200 pounds [and i'm sooo close, i need to start looking!!!]. one requirement: it MUST have an alarm i can set because there are situations in which i'm eating for longer than the allowed 20 minutes, and that HAS to stop..
  • FINALLY JIFF !!!!!!
    They are (finally) appreciating you for who you are! WTG!

    Wow, a new watch! OK, guess you're not going the Rolex route, huh?

    Jif, you are such a positive and inspirational person with so much to share and offer to everyone else that I just want to say that I AM SO DAMNED HAPPY FOR YOU !!! I am one of those mushy type of people so I'll try to keep it in toe and not go on here, ok? DAMN! BUT I AM JUST SO HAPPY FOR YOU !!! (Is the money and benefits good? )
    None of my business, never mind!
    SHOPPING? Drag Peachie/Ruth/Noranora along! Leens, you gonna make it? Who else? lol


    Congrats on the job...Congrats on losing 200 lbs....Congrats on being able to hang in there until God got it all worked out for you!

    Everything happens for a reason and obviously the reason this all happened to you was so you could persevere and come out of it even better than before!

    What a great story. You should send it in to a mag!!!

    Continued Blessings,
  • Oh Jiff, I'm soooooooo happy for you!!! That is fantastic news! Happy shopping!

  • way to go jiff.
    pooky: my family has a cottage near you in minden.

  • HURRAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Congrats one deserves it more than you!!!!
  • aw shucks, ladies, don't make me start sniffling and heading for the tissues!!!

    the benefits are not great, but the money is decent. and it's a great title [hey, the DIRECTOR OF EDITORIAL sounds good, doesn't it????]

    and with this title, i'll really be able to go places soon.

    and if ruthie, nora, peachie, leens, and anyone else, show up to 'go shopping' just how much shopping do you think will actually get done?????

    and opt allusion... some folks think i should write a book. i'm not really sure yet... but the mag article would be easier...

    thanks for the idea..
  • Jiff so very happy for you! Hugs! Liz
  • Jiffy....... Fantastic!!!!!!!!!!! A little something I always try to keep in mind..... There is always balance in Gods creations. The pendulum can not swing left without totally swinging right again.
    So no matter how hard or painful life can get you will always reap just as much joy anf happiness. You have earned it my friend. Now is the time for the harvest. Reap a world of joy and delight. God Bless.
  • Major Congratulations to you, Jiff. This sounds like a great job.
    Are you still going to sit with us when we meet next Sunday?
  • Good for you, Jiffypop!! You deserve a good job and a good life, God knows that you've been through enough... I hope you can make it on Sunday, I sure would love to meet you. :)))
  • Jiff -- sorry I'm late w/my congrats....... I was afraid that the nasty cold germs would attach themselves, so I waited until they left!
    I wish you all the best with the job (and of course, everything else).... you definitely deserve it!
    how could i possibly miss this event????

    and sam and rosies grandma... it's not SUCH a long way from lawn guyland to the short hills mall... and we're all so darn cute!!!!

    and peachie has a new hairdo... is there anything else i can say to tempt you or anyone else who's on the fence about this party????

    oh. i'm sure peachie will make me wear un-baggy clothes and makeup. does that help??
  • Jif -- you're right, it's not SUCH a long way........ trouble is, I will have Sam and Rosie here for the weekend! They are coming here on Thursday (when their mommy and daddy leave for a trade show in Las Vegas -- sigh - such a TUFF trip for them! ) and will be here until Tuesday...... gonna be interesting! Good thing that as of this very moment, shdh is putting together a terrific swingset with glider, slide, sandbox, etc etc etc in the backyard -- we figure it can be their birthday presents!! AND I don't have to take them to our local little nasty playground with it's broken glass and dog-droppings all over the place (including the sandbox!) Sheesh! I wish people would learn to be considerate and clean up after themselves and their pets, like WE do!
  • Congrats, Jiff!!!!
    Sooooo happy for ya!!! Best of luck to you in your new job!

    And have fun shopping! (Be sure it is stuff that will go with your boa!)
