Psychological Victory!

  • Ok so This is small but you all will appreciate it.
    Tonight we're going to a Pancake Dinner For Shrove (Fat/Pancake) Tuesday At MIL's Church.
    As we're getting ready this Morning I say to DH I'm not going to have any Pancakes Tonight I'll have sausage or maybe just coffee. . .
    He says Oh (Pregnant Pause) Well you have to have at least 1.

    I said No I Don't!
    Holy Doodle!
    I feel so strong!
  • Nicely done! Way to go! Let us know how the dinner goes.
  • Thanks! I love your avatar what a cute Puppy!
  • LOL!!!! i'd have maybe 1/4 of a pancake. sometimes they're WONDERFUL, but not THAT wonderful.

    enjoy the sausage!!!
  • Jiff I only love my Moms Crepe thin and drenched in Butter
    I did well tonight