Oh My Gosh!!!!

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  • I LOST A PANT SIZE!!! I am now a 22 from a 24/26!!!! I cant believe it! I am still a long way from a 20 but still a whole pant size in a month with 12.8 lbs gone!!!! So how many lbs is 1 pant size anyway?

  • That's awesome!!

    From what I've heard its about 20lbs?

    I've gone from 22-24 to 18-20 since I started losing weight.

    I bought a pair of size 18 pants today :3 was so happy.
  • Congratulations!
  • That's great - well done!!!

  • i think it dependso n the person. and probably the clothes too!

  • Congratulations! That is fantastic!
  • Congrats!
  • definately depends on the person. I"ve lost 38 lbs and although I can now fINALLY fit into a pair of 22 slacks, I sitll can't fit comfortably in my jeans.

    congrats though!
  • Yaaaaaayyyy!!!! It's exciting when that happens isn't it? I heard it was somewhere between 10 and 20 lbs a dress size, but everyone is different. My sister lost 10 lbs a month and couldn't keep up with her own wardrobe, she'd buy something and it seemed 5 minutes later it was hanging off her... lol. Nice problem to have!
  • I AM SOOOOOOOOOO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! I think the pants size changes is Super exciting much more to me than the amount of weight to a point.
    I started out in 20 so tight I needed a 22.
    I just got into a 16 comfortably 2 days ago~I AM SUPER EXCITED ALSO.
    I think that it goes on the individual~as far as how many lbs ect before a new size. I am losing differently this time because I am eating appropriately & Exercising and when I took diet pills back 8 years ago i was at 178 before I could wear a size 16. (Now I am at 224~So Since 12.8 lbs done you so well already you may get into a new pants size really quickly each time.)If I made any since LOL! I have had a long week.
    ANYWAYS MANY OF CONGRADULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Congratulations! Doesn't that feel wonderful?? I try to remember that feeling when I am tempted to go off plan.
  • I love it when my clothes start to get loose--as that means it's showing for real not just on the scale---good going you!!
  • Congrats!! You must be so happy!
  • Thank you guys!! I am happy I have even hung up a pair of size 18s (AH to be in the teens!!) everyday I walk past them and point and say You and me buddy! Or you'll be a great stepping stone! (i love the Beatles lol) lol