
  • So, I've been meaning to lose weight and get on track for some time, but I was always putting it off, or I would try for a while and then old habits would creep back. My husband got a blood pressure monitor and I've looked at my blood pressure- it's really high! I'm already on medication, and it's still high. This scares me. I'm going to go see the doc tomorrow, but I'm terrified I've waited too long to get control of my weight. Anyone else experience this?
  • Hi Sailorlal--

    I weighed 307 lbs when I first started losing weight. I started losing weight not because I necessary wanted to at that point, but because I was diagnosed with gallstones and needed surgery. My health problems began to go down once I started making plans after my gallbladder surgery to take better care of myself, weight-wise

    what ever happens tomorrow, please remember you can help yourself long-term with a variety of health problems by starting to lose weight!

    All you have to do is just take a simple walk before or after your appointment. You'll have taken the first step!

    Just take a deep breath, relax, know that you do have high blood pressure & currently take medicine for it.

    Then simply start making plans to help yourself. It's THAT simple Your blood pressure and additional health problems will improve over time!!

    And keep posting to this site!! we're here for you!!
  • One thing to keep in mind sailor, is that most home blood pressure monitors have only a standard sized cuff, which is too small for most people at your weight, and this will make the reading higher. To be truly accurate, you have to use the right sized cuff. That said, getting your blood pressure under control is still a good idea, for reasons that I am sure you already know.
    Its good to be concerned tho.
  • you've come here and that means something. sometimes we need a big scare to get us to kick ourselves and go "why on earth have i been putting this off?". perhaps this is yours.

    all i can say is, it's good your seeing your doctor but he's probably goig to tell you what you already know.

    good luck

    and don't forget we're all here when you need to talk or ask questions.
  • It is never (EVER) too late to turn your health around when it comes to weight. All it takes is one step in the direction opposite the one you're going now.

    Take that step and you're on your way.
  • I agree it's never too late!

    Take it slow- one day at a time, blog about it (3fc has free blogging), go with small changes and with time things will start to change.

    I've been working on my weight loss a few months- I fell off the bandwagon- but I'm determined this time to not give up.

    My whole family is "in" on my weight loss and that for now I'm most worried about ME. I make healthy low cal dinners they are welcome to eat or find something else. So far my sister eats everything I make and my hubby eats most of what I make. I appreciate that they don't insist on going out and eating like we did before.

    It won't take a week to lose the weight- it took you what I'm assuming is years to get to the weight you are- so expect it to take at least 1-2 years to lose it all- but with persistence and patience you can do it!

    Ask your doctor if they will refer you to a nutritionist- I'm sure they'd be more than happy to.
  • The doctor was very cool. I told her about my goals for weight loss, and generally getting healthier, and she was really supportive. My blood pressure is high, but we're just going to up my medication for now. I'm going to see her in a month and see what kind of progress I've made! I feel very motivated right now

    You guys are awesome, thanks for the support!
  • When I was diagnosed with PCOS probably linked to weight gain it really gave me the slap in the face I needed. I weighed so much that it wasn't just affecting my appearance and my sprinting speed, it was affecting how my organs functioned. But I started a diet and exercise plan, which I found was actually pretty easy once I got into the swing of it, and not three months later my health problems were gone. It is such a big relief when that happens. I'd say it's been the best reward I've gotten so far in this weight loss thing. So good luck to you! It's definitely possible to turn your health around, and not as hard as you might think. Just get into activities you enjoy and find easy to keep up.

    Best of luck! You can do it!
  • Sounds great!

    Wtg Impala- I have PCOS too and losing weight has been HARD! I got off the metformin because it was just making me ill and didn't seem to be working- and since then I lost 6 lbs- I don't know WHAT that means- but I'll take it!
  • Great Sailor. I'll tell you what, and this is the honest truth. When I started my heathy way of life, I freaked out one day when I realized that my normally "perfect" blood pressure had shot up to 140/90. It hovered around 110/70 for years regardless of my weight. Within 1 month...yes 1 month of heathy eating and gradual exercise it dropped to 130/80. In 3 months it was back to 110/70, and now a year later it is a healthy low at around 100/60. Thankfully I avoided medication, but if I hadn't taken control of my health, the doctor was ready to prescribe them. My cholesterol also dropped from well over 200 to 147. No meds, just diet and exercise. (I also quit drinking alcohol which helped greatly...I was becoming quite the boozer).

    You'll be amazed at how much better you feel in a very short time. (Baby steps will get you there!)
  • Quote: Great Sailor. I'll tell you what, and this is the honest truth. When I started my heathy way of life, I freaked out one day when I realized that my normally "perfect" blood pressure had shot up to 140/90. It hovered around 110/70 for years regardless of my weight. Within 1 month...yes 1 month of heathy eating and gradual exercise it dropped to 130/80. In 3 months it was back to 110/70, and now a year later it is a healthy low at around 100/60. Thankfully I avoided medication, but if I hadn't taken control of my health, the doctor was ready to prescribe them. My cholesterol also dropped from well over 200 to 147. No meds, just diet and exercise. (I also quit drinking alcohol which helped greatly...I was becoming quite the boozer).

    You'll be amazed at how much better you feel in a very short time. (Baby steps will get you there!)

    You are so inspirational- the fact that you've lost so much weight and have come so far really show me that I can do this!! Thank you!!
  • Last year my Mom lost 20 pounds just through eating healthier, no exercise really because she has a problem with her feet due to an injury. She went from one pill for high blood pressure, one for cholesterol, a blood thinner, and another one for something else. She's now down to her calcium pills. She's 75 years old. It's NEVER too late!
  • Quote: I'm terrified I've waited too long to get control of my weight. (
    No you didn't! When you are in the ground THAT'S when someone has waited TOO long!

    It's never too late. I do know one thing you don't have to lose very much weight to start seeing your BP go down, as little a 10 pounds for some people to start seeing your BP start going down.
  • Quote: So, I've been meaning to lose weight and get on track for some time, but I was always putting it off, or I would try for a while and then old habits would creep back. My husband got a blood pressure monitor and I've looked at my blood pressure- it's really high! I'm already on medication, and it's still high. This scares me. I'm going to go see the doc tomorrow, but I'm terrified I've waited too long to get control of my weight. Anyone else experience this?
    I feel like what I am reading was written for me. I was in your exact same position just months ago. I was always putting it off, I would start, it would last a week, a month at the longest, and would slowly fall back into my old lifestyle. I had high blood pressure, was on medication, only it was still high. The doctor ended up putting me on some really strong stuff that cost me $100 a month. It was insane.

    At my all time high, I remember being at the doctor and weighing 274. I am 5'4. About your size.

    For some reason I have all the motivation in the world this time. It's like somthing is telling me, now is the time. Now is the time you are going to turn your life around. Almost like I didnt have a say. I know it sounds silly but it's true.

    It's never too late to take control of your weight. I thought the same thing, that the only change in my weight was that it was going to keep sky rocketing. You can do whatever you set your mind to. I know it is alot easier then said, but it is true. As long as you believe in yourself, you do not give up, and you get in the right mind set (alot of it is a mind thing), you can do whatever you want.

    Coming here was one of the best things I have done during all of this. I dont even remember how I found the site, I just sort of stumbled upon it. But everyone is just supportive and caring of one another.

    Lastly, I know it sounds silly and maybe even childish. But somthing I have really enjoyed, is getting a ticker. I love seeing it change every time I lose a pound. It's exciting lol.

    Good luck!!!