new and ready to do it!

  • I have lost and gained a lot of weight since jr. high. Am now in my mid-30s and tired of the constant battle. I lost and kept 10 pounds off last year, and gained it all back in the past six weeks! Have tried faith-based diets, raw food, counting calories and diet pills, but need something I can stick with.

    Today I started the Induction phase of Atkins, but it is just to get me started and help me once again become aware of what I put in my mouth. Living in the moment is not an easy thing for me, and I use food to space out. So having an eating plan right now is important! Plus, I really love steak, eggs and salad, so it's a fairly easy plan to incorporate.

    I love the posts I've read! Everyone seems so honest and encouraging, and I'm hoping I can find the support I need to get down to my goal in a reasonable amount of time.

    My goal for February is to start exercising by walking and doing yoga at least 3 times a week. I have a history of overdoing it and then taking months to heal up the shin splints, so this modest goal seems doable.

    My birthday is at the end of next month, and my goal is to reach 145 pounds (this, sadly, was about my average weight in my 20s). Given how quickly I lose weight at the beginning of Atkins, I think this is manageable. As of this morning I was 162. YIKES!! Two years ago I was 175-179, and am very thankful that I have maintained at least some amount of weight loss.

    Well, I hope this post wasn't too long, and look forward to meeting everyone as we all get skinny for summer and beyond!!



    Current weight: 162
    Goal weight: 117
    Highest weight: 179
    Lowest weight: 131
  • Welcome! There's lots of support and very good advice here. Wishing you lots and lots of success!
  • thanks!
    The only thing that's confusing right now is how many threads there are. I've enjoyed reading from a wide range of them, but am mixing up the way I eat (ie I'm not going to stick with Atkins forever, it's just to get me started).

    Congratulations on your weight loss and upcoming wedding!

    What changes have you made to lose the weight?

    I wish me lots of success too!!
  • Welcome to 3FC! I'm glad you're here!! Surf around and settle in! We have subforums based on age, food plan, exercise and more!

    You are welcome to post whereever you like. Lots of us have certain "home" forums where we hang out. Check out the Atkins and 30 something threads for starters. Good luck!