New here in NC

  • Hey there everyone! I'm new here and look forward to meeting new people that may have the same weight frustrations that I have. I am 38 yrs old, wife and mother of 2 great kids. I have been overweight since the birth of my son 16 yrs ago! I know it is not an excuse and believe me, I cannot believe I have put off the weight loss this long. I have a long term goal of 135 lbs to have a 68 lb weight loss. But as much as I have read I am going to set mini goals of 10 lbs at a time.I just purchased a Wii Fit and love it! I also plan on walking and doing some exercise DVD's at home. I look forward to reading what is working for everyone so that I may be able to use some of your ideas as well. I have just FINALLY decided that I MUST do this now, before I incur other health problems like diabetes with my weight as it is now. I'd also like to have as many buddies for support as I possibly can and in return I will be a good one to anyone in need as well.
  • Welcome and good luck! The Wii is awesome!!
  • . . . Glad to have you joining us Carolina Girl . . .
  • Welcome to 3FC! I'm glad you're here!! Surf around and settle in! We have subforums based on age, food plan, exercise and more!

    Be sure to check out 30 somethings and Exercise (lots of Wii threads there!)
  • Thanks and I look forward to learning alot here!
  • Hey Carolina Girl - I'm one, too!! I've been on the site for over a year, but unfortunately - fell off the wagon last year. The support here was wonderful, and I lost 20 pounds, but had not made it a lifestyle CHANGE, and thus, slowly gained it back. Now I'm back almost where I started a year ago, but hopefully wiser (and definitely older LOL!) I bought myself the WiiFit for Christmas, and it really is fun. But I've found it takes the same willpower to do it as any other form of exercise, and that's my downfall. Welcome to 3FC - it's a great site with great people, and I wish you best success! (And with the wonderful weather we've had here in NC this weekend, I'm going to get my butt outside and walk - somewhere!) Hope to chat with you more!
  • Hello! I'm also new here. Glad to meet you and good luck with everything! =)
  • Welcome Carolinagirl! Wishing you lots of success. What part of N. Carolina are you in? I'm from Northern Virgnia in the Shenandoah Valley.
  • Welcome to this site! It is an amazing support system! =]
  • Nice to meet another Carolina Girl! I live in Monroe, NC- just South of Charlotte. Where are you in NC? I absolutely LOVE this place. I just seem like I cannot get enough of it. There are so many inspiring stories. Nice to meet you and please keep in touch so we can keep tabs on each other. I joined WW online yesterday and will weigh in every Saturday. I thought it may help with my intake.
    Quote: Hey Carolina Girl - I'm one, too!! I've been on the site for over a year, but unfortunately - fell off the wagon last year. The support here was wonderful, and I lost 20 pounds, but had not made it a lifestyle CHANGE, and thus, slowly gained it back. Now I'm back almost where I started a year ago, but hopefully wiser (and definitely older LOL!) I bought myself the WiiFit for Christmas, and it really is fun. But I've found it takes the same willpower to do it as any other form of exercise, and that's my downfall. Welcome to 3FC - it's a great site with great people, and I wish you best success! (And with the wonderful weather we've had here in NC this weekend, I'm going to get my butt outside and walk - somewhere!) Hope to chat with you more!
  • I'm in Graham (basically Burlington), and I love it here, too! People are so supportive, have great stories and ideas. I've started Southbeach today - we'll see how long I can last on it! Good luck to you with WW, and we'll definitely check in with each other!
  • Hi, there! I'm new here, too. I joined back in 2007, but never really joined.

    I also live in NC, and I'm 39. I live in the Raleigh area.