Am I Really Loosing Weight?

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  • Okay guys. I need some help. I've been counting calories for the past few weeks, and while I know I haven't done that well sticking to it, I've tried. Anyway, for these past few weeks I've been getting on the scale like crazy. Twice or three times a day. Now, it doesn't bother me if I see it go up a few pounds, cause I know it will go back down. Still - I'm going to try to slowly cut back to twice a week, to once a week, ect.

    Anyway - my question is, am I loosing? Sometimes in the morning I see 164. And then in the evening after I've showered and used the bathroom, its 161 [today it was 160 :3]. I know its normal to fluctuate, but can I really count myself as weighing 161? Or should it be 164? In the middle?
  • I would pick one and weigh at a consistent time and under consistent conditions. (I go with the lowest number )
  • I know, I actually feel that way too. I started out at 174 and now am 170. But am I REALLY 170? Will I get my period and all of a sudden be 174 again? I want to get to my Valentine's day goal of 168 lb and then I will finally feel like it's true and I really AM losing weight.

  • Well, I do weigh myself once a day, and I do see fluctuations of 1-2 lbs on any given day. But, only Tuesday mornings count officially (because I started on a Tuesday). So, for me, the Tuesday weight is the only one that counts during the week. The other weigh ins are just so that I can get used to the natural rhythms of my body (in preparation for maintenance.)

    On any given day, my weigh can be up - or down. Having one day per week that counts allows me to see the overall downward trend.

  • You should weigh yourself once a day at the same time under the same conditions. You will always have fluctuations. Some of them large. The other day I weighed on Wii Fit before breakfast after bm/urination. I paused it. I ate some breakfast and drank a ton of water. I get back on the Wii Fit and it says "Your weigh has changed drastically. Do you want to keep it?" Since I know that is a normal fluctuation, I ignore it. I've seen my weight go from 241 to 247 within the week I've had Wii Fit. I don't let those get me down. I only take ONE weigh in typically from my WW weigh in. You are losing. Have you taken measurements? You should try that and revisit them in a few weeks and see the change
  • i try every 2-3 days, as soon as i wake up. i feel like if i weigh myself every day (or more than once every day), it controls my life too much.

    (and yes, darling, you're losing weight. you go!!! :] )
  • Weight really fluctuates throughout the day. I know how you feel xD When I started, I weigh myself a lot of times in a day...but you know what, the best time to weigh yourself is the minute you get up in the morning. And pick a day of the week where you weigh yourself to officially say you have lost pounds.
  • Quote: You should weigh yourself once a day at the same time under the same conditions.
    ditto to this.

    if I weighed myself multiple times a day I'd go nuts!

    I weigh in the morning, before food, after going to the bathroom and I'm naked. My boyfriend thinks I'm nuts that I weight with no clothes on though. like the few ounces they are will make a huge difference. I won't even wear socks on the scale haha. I always thought it sucked for people who went to weight watchers and had to wear clothes during their weigh in. I guess we all have our weird scale tendencies.
  • when I first started I weighed myself a lot but now I have settled down a bit and for a while I weighed myself every Sunday morning and like others I did it before I ate and after I used the bathroom. I would weigh myself wearing the same thing every week. Sweatpants and t-shirt, drawers and socks only.

    I found that when I weighed myself mutiple times a day or even once a day there were no surprises and I LOVE being surprised by how much weight I have lost. If I wait a week it always makes my day if I step on the scale and I lost like 3 or 4 pounds in one week.

    When I weighed myself every day I would only lose like 1 pound at a time if that. The weigh loss just seemed SO slow.

    NOW since I joined Weight Watchers with my friend I changed my weigh in day to Monday evening at WW meeting. I always wear the same outfit (sweats and a t-shirt) and I eat very, very light (so does everyone else I found out! LOL) the day of my weight in and eat dinner only after the meeting.
  • I weigh myself throughout the week maybe every 2-3 days but the only weight I officially use is the one I take on Monday before getting into the shower. Helps me to stay sane.
  • I weigh in every day. The calorie counter does a general trend chart which is quite cool. I weigh in on a morning when I weigh the least! But the way I see it you can have a false high when you are full of water or something but you can't have a false low! (Yes I know there's some flawed logic in there but it's good psychologically)
  • I think you can weigh as often as you want, but just don't let it freak you out. I weigh myself every morning, but take my Friday morning weight as my "official" weight. And watch to see if that trends up or down over time.

    There are SO many variables that influence short term weight -- water weight is a very big factor. One pound of water is only 15 ounces. You drink a water bottle and gain a pound!! Or go for a sweaty workout and lose 2 pounds (until you rehydrate). Weight of food, bathroom habits, hydration status, hormonal fluctuations, salt intake, etc influence weight. Just don't let those hour-to-hour fluctuations freak you out or dictate your mood. You'll see over time what the patterns are. But what really matters is the weekly and monthly trend over time.

    Weight loss is a long term process .....
  • Quote: I weigh in the morning, before food, after going to the bathroom and I'm naked. My boyfriend thinks I'm nuts that I weight with no clothes on though. like the few ounces they are will make a huge difference. I won't even wear socks on the scale haha. I always thought it sucked for people who went to weight watchers and had to wear clothes during their weigh in. I guess we all have our weird scale tendencies.
    This is me!
    I weigh every morning and only the Saturday weight counts.
  • Here's an analogy I've used before that folks seem to like.

    Imagine a boat riding at anchor in a harbor. The waves come by, and sometimes the boat is on top of a wave and sometimes in the trough in between waves. If you take a picture of the boat, you might get it high or low. If you take two pictures a day apart, then the boat might be low in the first one and high in the second one and you'd think oh gosh, the boat is going up! Or the opposite might be the case. That's what weighing is like.

    What we're trying to do with weight loss is "lower the water in the harbor." The boat will still be riding the waves, but its average position over time will be lower.

    A good strategy is to pick one time as the weigh-in time every day, and record your weight only once a week, always on the same day.

  • I usually take it as my true weight after 2 days of weighing in at that number. But it's different for everyone. My weight generally does not flucuate at all, I tend to be the same evening, morning, empty stomach, full stomach, whatever...