boo hoo

  • Have gained 3 pounds from my cheating and wine drinking. Hope some is water weight, and am post ovulation, so it may not go for a couple of weeks until after me period starts.
    I didn't binge at the superbowl party, (I am very please about that) but I have been eating chocolate in the last week, even though I have been virtually chocolate free since Christmas until then. In fact, my chocolate intake was down pretty dramatically since I joined 3FC, and now am eating more.
    It must be the stress. Even tho I haven't binged with it, I am definitely eating worse.
    TIme to kick my butt and get back on plan.
    Today is a good day to start!
  • today is PERFECT! you should be really proud of yoursef for not going insane at the party... parties are fun but there is always so much FOOD!!

    don't eat chocolate for a day. see if you still want it tomorrow. let me know how it goes
  • Hi ladies..before I have always noticed my weight going up the day before my cycle begins..this weekend it went up two pounds during this normal for most women? I honestly, have never read about ovulation having bearing on weight--only PMS stuff.
  • Quote: Hi ladies..before I have always noticed my weight going up the day before my cycle begins..this weekend it went up two pounds during this normal for most women? I honestly, have never read about ovulation having bearing on weight--only PMS stuff.
    You know, I have come to accept hormones and the body are just plain weird. I know you are "supposed" to gain weight during PMS, just before you period, but for some reason I always lose it! Then, just after my period, I am at my highest weight.

    Make sense? Nope. I give up trying to understand!!

  • Quote: Hi ladies..before I have always noticed my weight going up the day before my cycle begins..this weekend it went up two pounds during this normal for most women? I honestly, have never read about ovulation having bearing on weight--only PMS stuff.
    I, too, have the same problem. Which combine that with TOM and that's basically every 2 weeks you see weight gains. It's aggravating. You get going and start to lose, then BAM! Then you start again, and WHAM! It's so heartbreaking.
  • My frustration right now is that I am only eating approx. 1100 calories a day and I'm not losing any weight. I have lost a few inches, and I know that's good, but I want to see some results on the scale! I'm trying so hard & it's just not happening.
  • Samantha, that is because you need to eat more. Your body is going into starvation mode. Being 215, you need more then 1100 calories per day...
  • usually i gain a lb or 2 right before menstration starts. Either that or it just stays stubbornly at a plateau for a few days.

    1100 cals is kinda low, samantha. esp if you are doing any kind of workout.
    1600-1200 per day is better.
  • Well, Ladies, thanks for helping me kick my virtual butt. I have stayed on plan since monday am, have exercised some too, and this morning am back to 175ish. SO some was waterweight for sure. And the chocolate urges are still there, but have fought them off. I don't feel like I should have a small amount, I think that will tip me over into a binge at this point tho. Funny how our hormones affect us differently! And Samantha, listen to the wisdom of these women, eat more to lose more! really works
  • was boohoo, now wahoo
    Have made it back down to 174! yipee. Was off plan today, not eating well. Feel crappy. But I know I can get back. had a healthy supper with fish, brown rice and fresh veggies. So I will get back to basics and lose lose lose!