Good Nursing Bra??

  • Does anyone have a good resource for nursing bras... of the large variety? I gave birth on the 23rd to a beautiful baby girl, second one. My bras from the first pregnancy just aren't cutting it. I would like some bras that don't look like something my grandma would wear in addition to some practical ones!

  • Without knowing what size you are I'd first recommend Medela. When I was nursing I found a great medical store that had a whole breastfeeding area with Medela pumps and bras. If you can find a place like this i'd recommend it because they'll fit you properly.

    The problem with Medela is it looks like they only go up to 40G (from what I've seen).

    Doing a quick Google search, I found nursing bra's at that don't look too granny-ish including underwire, no wire and tanks and camisoles.

    Everything else I found looks a little like something fashioned in the 1950's. It might be fuctional but it definitely wouldn't be mistaken for Victoria's Secret.
  • 44DD-- I pretty much look like Pamela Anderson would if her boobs were down to her waist... and if her hair was brown... and she weighed a lot more... and if her lips were normal size... but you get the idea
  • I was having a similar problem finding a decent nursing bra. I was measured between 38 and 40 G. Which no one seems to carry that large of a size. I happened to try on a nursing bra at Target and voila, it fit. And it looks attractive. It is a 40 DD. Don't ask me how it fit, it must run BIG. I love it. The brand is Gilligan & O'Malley and it was only $14!! It is worth checking out. Hope this helps.
  • I absolutely love the ones I've gotten from Bravado Designs. You'll pay a little more for them than what you'll find at Target, but they have a wide variety of sizes. I'm 3 days away from my due date and have been wearing their sports bra style one almost daily because its so comfortable. Granted, I'm only a D cup, but I think you'll be able to find something on their website you'll like. They also have styles that look very much like normal bras and I plan on ordering some of those for when I return to work.
  • I have a few sleep nursing bras from Target but their regular daytime use ones I wasn't thrilled about. They didn't really offer the support that I needed.

    I second Bravado. I have 2 beautiful nursing bras that are comfortable and offer great support.

    I also really like the bras that Gap offers. Stylish, sexy and still functional.

    Medela offers a softcup supportive bra - it's almost like a sports bra. I'm definitely going to be picking one up.

    I never used to wear a bra during the night, but since baby was born have found it to be essential. If not for support but because I leak all over and I need something to hold my nursing pad in place!!