Is it just me, or have u noticed...............

  • That more overweight people read dieting and fitness articles. I read last year that the more articles people read about losing wieght, the less weight that they'll lose. Does that make sense? I think it does because I know a lot about dieting, exercise, healthy choices, & blah blah blah. But yet I am still struggling to lose weight and exercise. I just wish that I could look in the mirror and be happy w/ the over weight person looking back at me. But I can't! I have been yo-yoing my weight for years, and maintaning my over weight firgure, even now when I am following a diet. That is discouraging, let me tell u. But none-the-less I am determined to get the weight off. I have to. I have a scale at home, but I weigh in at the center that I go to. My scale is a different weight than theirs. So I have posted the weight that the center has me at, even tho my scale has a different (lower) weight.

    So I continue to read my weight loss articles and exercise techniques, just to keep abreast of how the 'fit peeps' are doing it! hahahha

  • I gotta tell you, if I looked to diet and fitness magazines for advice, I would be really confused. I think they have some good tips and I admit that I read (and enjoy) them. I actually use a lot of the exercise "cards" in Self when I workout at home and have for years I have just noticed that the cold hard facts about nutrition and exercise isn't typically found in diet and weightloss magazines- just a lot of "fluff". A lot of it contradicts, a lot of it is just not applicable to many people... To me it's a lot like "quick fix" diets- they try to fit weightloss into a pretty little, one size fits all box.... and we all know weightloss is anything but!
  • My husband is a buddhism student. I say that because he reads about it all, but doesn't do. Hasn't found a teacher, and doesn't often actually meditate, but reads and studies almost every day. I on the other hand, actually meditate fairly regularly, but most of what I know about buddhism, I have learned from him.
    You will get out of it eventually. I do have lots of diet and fitness books actually, but have never actually read all the way through any of them!
  • Quote: I do have lots of diet and fitness books actually, but have never actually read all the way through any of them!
    Huh. I never thought about that, but I'm the same way. I have books about diet and nutrition, but I don't think I've completely read through any of them. I think the two exceptions are Omnivore's Dilemma and the China Study.
  • Yeah, eventually, if you're out there doing it, there's only so much time left for reading about it. I do understand. I am most definitely the type to read and research forever instead of doing
  • Quote: I am most definitely the type to read and research forever instead of doing
    me too. it's a great way to procrastinate
  • I just counted, I have 4 diet "novels" in my book case. I know for a fact I have given at least that many away AND I have never read any of them cover to cover...I'd skip to the menu part and decide it was too hard and tuck or give it away. I used to buy every magazine at the check out that promised me I'd lose 3 dress sizes in 30 days. I did learn something valuable in all of it though. I learned that if I saved the money I normally spent on all the "diet aids" I had enough "extra money" to buy some really great expensive shoes! I LOVE shoes...and jewelry...and dresses...and manicures...

    ETA: I remember when my friend and I stood at the diet counter at the drug store and debated wether to buy Alli. She did, and I didn't. I lost weight, and she didn't. I spent the cash I would have spent on some cute sandals. I still have the sandals and can't wait til spring to wear them again. still trying to find the magic pill. Poor girl. I know the frustration she must have. I've lived it...been there/done that.