wonderslim/new lifestyle diet forum?

  • I see Medifast has its own area underneath delivery food diets, but was wondering if some of the alternative diets could also have an area? I'm not sure how many more folks would be interested - but I would
  • Why not start a support thread in the "Diet Meal Delivery" forum? You can find others doing your plan that way. Generally, new forums are started with a thread that then shows enough interest to warrant creating a forum.

  • Come on in and join us on Medifast. We're pretty much a mixed bunch.. In fact we've been talking about this very subject in the last few days. The plans are a lot alike and I kinda doubt there are enough of us on any one plan to start another sub forum, but we may ask for a more inclusive sub forum title.
  • Fat Belly Diet ?
    I'd like to read more about the FBD....if it's on here? I've been off a while & don't remember where to look.PL
  • Flat Belly Diet is in General Diet Plans. Here's the most recent thread I see.