Yoga yoga yoga

  • I have always avoided exercise at all costs, but I made a vow to myself that I would keep looking and eventually I would find something that appealed to me.
    Today I went to yoga class.
    No one would come with me, so I went all alone. I had to do the whole " I am new here, can you show me where everything is..." speech.
    But, it was fantastic. Relaxing, clarifying, super hard and demanding.
    I think I like yoga. I am super excited to go back...
    Does it count as exercise? =
  • It TOTALLY counts as exercise! Congrats on finding a form of exercise that you like!

    I do yoga podcasts myself (too broke for a class right now, and there are some good free audio classes on iTunes). I always feel sooo much better after doing yoga, but I've been slacking lately. Your post reminded me to get back to it!
  • Of freaking course it counts as exercise! Some types of yoga are much more strenuous then others. I go to a hatha class sometimes that doesn't burn many calories but does increase my peace of mind and my normal Power Yoga class kicks my a$$ and leaves me covered in sweat. You bet your sweet bippy I count that as exercise!
    I'm so glad you enjoyed it - yoga is one of my loves
  • Oh yeah, it counts. There are lots of kinds of yoga, many or even most are good for building strength, and even some degree of cardiovascular fitness.

    Yoga was all I did from April to August sometime. Then I started jogging too.
  • I do a 90 minute Bikram yoga class (hot yoga) and it burns as many calories are a normal 45 minute cardio workout. Plus, the stretching is great for all of the other working out you're doing!! Yoga day is not an "off" day!!
  • I love Yoga! It is relaxing! Congrats on finding something that you enjoy doing!
  • yoga is a great thing. I started my first class a month after started this super stressful new job.. and yoga changed my life. Seriously I swear the relaxing/meditative/stretching combination has helped me avoid an MS relapse. (I relapse every 10 months or so... and I'm going on 13 months now that i've been practicing yoga). It just helps me manage life/stress I guess!