Back and ready to try again after awhile

  • So I just turned 29 yesterday. I am now weighing in at 245 after a great loss of 15 pounds last year, I've gained it back, my cholesterol is up a little and I have high triglycerides. Around Christmas, I started feeling short of breath, light headed and started getting headaches. My breath was sweet all the time and I am so scared I'm getting diabetes.

    Not to mention that most of the women in my family went through early menopause, I'm talking 32 for my grandmother, 39-40ish for my mother. So I'm very scared of the opportunity to become a mother slipping through my hands. I haven't had a date in forever, almost seven years to be exact. When I see some people together I think to myself - I'm not that bad, why don't I have someone?

    This past year has been pretty depressing. I was in a very low spot and I am finally picking myself up out of that.

    I feel like it's now or never for me. I've been trying to make some gradual changes in my life. I'm using a pedometer and trying to eat out less. Started drinking more green tea and less alcohol. I'm also going to try to use this board more for support.

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Would love to buddy up with someone!
  • I'm happy to see you're pulling yourself out of your low spot. I have those every now and then and it aint pretty!!!
    For me, eating less food and more often (and NO junk food/fast food) is what has helped me lose weight this far. I still drink occasionally, maybe once every two weeks. I drink red wine, and on the days I drink, I try to eat as little calories as I can (but of course not denying my body the ones it needs, just no extras like cheese or any kind of treats). This is what works for me, but of course, everybody is different and finding what's best for you may be difficult. When you do find it though, STICK WITH IT!
  • YOU CAN DO THIS!! You can talk to me anytime if you need support! I've been eating every 3 hours for 4 days now and I've lost 4lbs already. I haven't had any candy, chocolate, ice cream, nothing like that at all. I haven't had junk and I eating smaller portions that still keep me satisfied. I walked just over a mile this morning and I feel like I have so much more energy already. It may be something you would want to tyr. Anyways, good luck, and I'm on here everyday! ^_^
  • Welcome back!

    You can do this.
  • Welcome aboard
    I too am back for another try. I lost 20 pounds (it took me 1 year) but I have kept it off for 6 months. Now want to try for another 20.

    Hang in there!!!!
  • G'day mypunkrockromance.. Welcome to the 3 fat chicks on a diet forum.. Great place..and great to have you here with us.. Welcome...
  • Thanks everyone! I really appreciate the support.

    One of my big things will be to stop drinking soda, sugar in general, and fast food. I have a "desk job" so I don't get to walk around a lot plus my job is very stressful and busy so I end up grabbing convenient things instead of healthy things. (It doesn't help that when I do bring healthy things, they get stolen out of the fridge! Ridiculous huh? haha)

    I need to learn to slow down and manage my time and stress a little better.
  • Just wanted to say hello and welcome~!
  • People steal stuff out of the fridge where I work, too. I have an insulated lunch box. Now I get to eat what I brought.

    I don't know how anyone can lose weight while eating out everyday for lunch. Too many temptations IMHO.
  • Welcome to 3FC!

    I have found planning and packing food to be super important to my weight management. I can't believe someone would steal your food! Argh! I agree with Gina---an insulated (locked and alarmed!) lunch box might be the ticket.

    I'm glad you're here!
  • Quote: Welcome to 3FC!

    I have found planning and packing food to be super important to my weight management. I can't believe someone would steal your food! Argh! I agree with Gina---an insulated (locked and alarmed!) lunch box might be the ticket.

    I'm glad you're here!
    Even worse I think it's my boss - who makes a whole lot more money than me AND has a lot more time in his day than I do!

    Thank you!
  • Good job on the alcohol and going to tea. You are going to do great.