Getting back on track at ALMOST 30

  • So I just turned 29 yesterday. I am now weighing in at 245 after a great loss of 15 pounds last year, I've gained it back, my cholesterol is up a little and I have high triglycerides. Around Christmas, I started feeling short of breath, light headed and started getting headaches. My breath was sweet all the time and I am so scared I'm getting diabetes.

    Not to mention that most of the women in my family went through early menopause, I'm talking 32 for my grandmother, 39-40ish for my mother. So I'm very scared of the opportunity to become a mother slipping through my hands. I haven't had a date in forever, almost seven years to be exact. When I see some people together I think to myself - I'm not that bad, why don't I have someone?

    This past year has been pretty depressing. I was in a very low spot and I am finally picking myself up out of that.

    I feel like it's now or never for me. I've been trying to make some gradual changes in my life. I'm using a pedometer and trying to eat out less. Started drinking more green tea and less alcohol. I'm also going to try to use this board more for support.

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
  • hi punkrock. welcome to the boards. glad to see that youve lost already. you're off to a great start. how have your blood sugar levels been? the fruity breath scares me because when the breath gets fruity that usually means you are in diabetic ketoacidosis, which is not good.
  • Quote: hi punkrock. welcome to the boards. glad to see that youve lost already. you're off to a great start. how have your blood sugar levels been? the fruity breath scares me because when the breath gets fruity that usually means you are in diabetic ketoacidosis, which is not good.
    I can't remember what they said about blood sugar, I don't think they even brought that up. The triglycerides were the big thing with them.
  • Hi There!

    It's great that you are making gradual changes. If you're concerned about your risk of diabetes, I would definitely speak to your doctor about it (and the sweet breath is also a concern). I know that I struggled with pcos for years because doctors only focused on my weight. I really had to learn to take up for myself!

    And good for your for picking yourself up I've definitely been there and I found that once I started taking steps to take care of myself, other aspects of my life began to fall into place.

    You said you were starting to wear your pedometer... how many steps have you been getting? I try to aim for 10k a day, which is recommended for optimum health. At first I didn't think that sounded like much, but some days it's a lot harder than it looks
  • welcome punkrock! I agree with Junebug, you need to see your Dr. about the diabetes, they can get you on meds to regulate that until you lose the weight. You have come to a great place for support, we are all here for you.

    Of corse you deserve someone great, but first you have to treat yourself like you deserve it.
  • Thanks for the support everyone!

    I just got my blood checked last week, and I'm pretty sure my doctor has been worried about my blood sugar for awhile but they have never told me it's a problem, just the cholesterol and triglycerides. I truly think if there has been a problem she would have told me.

    Meanwhile, I'm giving up soda, trying to cut the simple sugars as much as possible.

    I finally walked over 10,000 steps yesterday! It's difficult because I have a desk job. I've tried to be more conscious though and get up and move around every 30-60 minutes.
  • good luck you can do it!!
  • mypunkrock, you really CAN do this. I would say stick around the 3FC and start implementing ideas from some of the members here. I think you have a very real concern as far your wishes to become a mother.