What did you add back on phase 2?

  • I am starting phase 2 on Monday and I am nervous to add foods back in since the last two times I did, I failed miserably.

    Any tips to make the transition easier? I am a carb addict, if there is such a thing. I think I will have to stay away from pasta because I could just eat too much of it. Fruit sets off cravings, no matter the time of day. I think I'm a severe case lol

    What did you add back in successfully the first week? I know all bodies are different but I'm just curious.

  • I added a serving of berries every morning. The next week I added high Fiber cereal plus the berries. Berries are lower carb fruits and may work for you.
  • I am wondering the same thing. I am thinking of a slice of bread daily!?
  • i have four days on phase 1 yet but i love apples so i will be adding them first
  • Ruthxxx: Berries are a possibility, I never tried those last time.

    HeatherMcG: I think I will try a slice of bread as well. I am not as crazy for bread so maybe it will work. Anyone know of any brands in Canada that meet the standards?

    Me4life: The apples set off massive hunger (not necessarily cravings) for me last time so I definitely can't do that. But they fill most people up because of the fiber so it sounds like a good choice.

    I don't think I can add anything in the morning though, I am hungriest then and a protein breakfast seems to work for me. I will probably keep those. Maybe lunch or even dinner.

    I am still a bit nervous. I have done so well these last two weeks. I really want to keep up with this.

    Thanks for all of your responses.
  • I have an add on question here-

    Do you have to "add back in" flavored yogurt or can I just start eating it in addition to whatever "carb" I add in that week? Same with carrots & pudding.
  • I added in oatmeal for breakfast everyday, as that is what I missed the most.

    Ellie I don't count the pudding, carrots and yogurt added back in like you do the fruits & grain. I just started using them. Be careful on the flavored yogurt though-only four ounces and no sugar or HFCS in it.
  • I added oatmeal and blueberries in the morning.
  • I added oatmeal but had to stop that because it caused afternoon cravings right away. After that I think I tried brown rice with lunch or dinner and then an afternoon apple. It was months before I could add grain back in the morning without problems. I don't think that's the experience of most people though.
  • OzziesGirl, you'll find tons of great tips on this in the What's your P2 Combo? thread, which is stickied in the FAQ.
  • Quote: It was months before I could add grain back in the morning without problems. I don't think that's the experience of most people though.
    The last time I did this, I didn't do well with grains in the morning either. And fruit any time of the day was out.

    Beachgal, thanks for the link. It's crazy how our bodies are so different, everyone has a different combo.

    Thanks for your responses everyone!
  • I added back fruit the first few days, then added oatmeal. Oatmeal is still usually my only grain for the day, although I can have unlimited fruits without it causing any cravings.