99 days on plan... and 60 lbs lost

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  • Hello friends.

    Today marks my 99th day TOTALLY ON PLAN. No tempura rolls, fast food, all you can eat buffets. Plenty of good whole grains, leans proteins, healthy fats, fruits and veggies. Treats if I could work them into my plan (infrequently but the cravings for them are mostly gone) and water. Lots of water. Walking and yoga.

    I cut out pop/soda's completely.
    Chips and candy completely.
    Cookies and cake I have the very odd time (not triggers for me.)

    I have lost 60 lbs in 99 days.

    I feel better about myself, I FEEL better than I have in years and years.

    When I met my husband I was 299 lbs. That is my next major goal.

    I have a lot of weight still to lose. 166 pounds to be exact. And I know it's going to be hard. And that's okay!!! This is also one of the most FUN THINGS I have ever done!!!!!! It's hard NOT to get excited about doing something EVERY SINGLE DAY that is leading to a longer and healthier life for me!!!

    I love my 3fatchicks family. I LOVE my 100 lb club girls. I appreciate all of you for your support, love and advice.

    So this was a very "me" centered post I know. I just wanted to share. And hope that maybe I can help someone like you all have helped me!!!
  • Congratulatins, CF! You have done an amazing job!
  • Fantastic accomplishment! The post should be all about you...Getting healthy IS all about you! Congratulations and keep going!
  • CF - Way to go! You have every right to brag about your accomplishment. Keep up the good work!
  • Congratulations! 60 pounds is awesome and I'm so glad you posted because we all want to be in on the celebration! Every pound that drops makes you feel better and more sure that you can do this. Can't wait to see you reach your goal!
  • Wow! That is amazing. Thank you for sharing your journey with us and providing great motivation!

  • Great job on the weight loss. I also ran across some progress pics of you last night and wanted to tell you that you looked amazing. Keep up the good work.
  • Congrats! That is soo amazing! Keep up the great work girl!
  • You go right on and have your "me-centered" post. You most certainly deserve it. And I most certainly LOVED reading it. And though you may think it was just for you, I know there are LOTS of people who will benefit from it. You sure put a smile on my face.

    I'm so glad to hear that your hard work is paying off! Amazing isn't? It's just the most thrilling, joyous journey.

    I've no doubt you will go onto lose the next 166 lbs. Heck, sounds to me like you'd lose 266 if you needed to. I look forward to hearing more and more and more of your wonderful success!

  • Congratulations
    I think it is great that you have lost that much in that time frame. I am having a difficult time staying away from the sweets, seems you have it under control. Keep it up hun, your well on your way!
  • Fantastic accomplishment!
    This is amazing 99 days on plan and 60 lbs less !
    Keep up the great work!
  • Way to go! 99 days on plan is awesome! That alone is a major accomplishment....never mind the 60 lb loss! You are doing fantastic! Keep it up and keep posting. I love reading your posts!

    Your enthusiasm is contagious!!!

  • WOWEEEE!!! 99 days OMG that's amazing!!!! I don't even know you but i'm SO PROUD of you!!! wow !

    and I REALLY liked how you did it - all basic stuff, cut out the crap and eat good stuff and walk - amazing how something that simple can lead to such a tremendous success!!

    congrats and bring on 2009 girlie!!!
  • Congratulations! That's serious determination, you'll reach your goal before you know it!
  • Congrats to you!!!!!!!!! Hope you have continued success and keep us up-to-date on it. It truly is inspiring to hear of others WL success's.